Challenge Accepted

26 4 0

Ichika sat down at his usual seat now that break was finally over. After spending some time with Houki, he felt a newfound resolve within himself that he never felt. The urge to protect others, now he understood what Kakashi meant by that.

The girls were more than excited to see the cold prince in their class. Once again, he ignored them for the time being, he was here to learn, not socialize.

"Excuse me there, young man." A blonde girl said approaching her. He could tell by the accent that Japanese isn't her native tongue, a foreign exchange student perhaps. She had bright blonde hair that seemed natural, perhaps European. Her bluish eyes clarified that guess and her locks signify something of nobility. She seemed ticked off at something like she was expecting an answer.

"What is it that you want?" Ichika said politely with a hint of irritation.

The girl only frowned clearly not satisfied with the answer.

"What is with the attitude young man? You should feel honored that you're under the graceful presence of Cecilia Alcott or have you forgotten Orimura-san from Team 7."

Now it was clicking to him. Cecilia Allcott, heir to the influential Alcott family, one of the most prominent families in all of Britain, her father being speaker of the Parliament. Their family has existed for generations to even before the birth of the I.S as business magnates. Eventually one of them stepped their foot into politics and they shifted towards leading Britain into the new age of I.S.

When Ichika was still a genin they were tasked to help out the Alcott family and part of that task was acting as Cecilia's "playmate" posing as a son of a Japanese noble. While they did share some mildly pleasant experiences if you count as forcing to play teatime with her, she was very whiny. She complained over everything and had to do everything her way so much so that he was tempted to tie her up and leave her in the basement just to shut up her up.

Over time she softened up and became drawn to him. Last time he saw her was three years ago and she definitely grown a lot since then possessing just as a great figure as his childhood friend, only Cecellia had a more of an hourglass figure further enunciating her hips.

"Cecelia-san it's been a good while since I last saw you, my have you gotten prettier since the last time. I see the Alcott's blood truly flows within you." Ichika said politely.

"Enough with flattery mister! I would like to know why you are here, this place is reserved for I.S pilots meaning a ruffian like aren't allowed to compete. I am THE Ceceilia Alcott, heir to the most pristine family in all of Britain! I'm not going to let some boy from a has been noble clan get the best of me." Cecelia grew more confrontational by the second and it was starting to piss Ichika off.

Within a flash he activated his Sharingan in front of her, causing her to fall back in terror. "You seem pretty chatty today, Cecelia, but let's not act like you were most pristine person around or have you forgotten? I was sent to be your playmate as a mission to make sure you didn't get yourself in trouble. If you want to insult me be my guest, but you do not get to disrespect my clan like that Alcott-san. You Anglo-Saxons are in interesting bunch. Always thinking your people are the most superior just because you had overseas territories." Ichika said coldly. Instead of fear he saw, was anger.

"It seems like I struck a nerve." Ichika thought as she stood back up.

"Don't you dare insult my country you filthy shinobi! YOU KNOW WHAT I DEMAND A CHALLENGE! I'M CALLING FOR AN ABSOLUTE DUEL!!" Cecilia yelled at Ichika with fury in her voice.

"Duel? That's quite bold of you to challenge me Anglo-Saxon. I heard about a user who possess a unit called Blue Tears is that correct?" Asked Ichika. He saw Cecelia's eyebrow twitch at the Anglo-Saxon insult.

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