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Vance and Bruce didn't say a word to each other the next morning, both feeling awkward that they were found tangled in each other's arms. Amy was making sure they weren't going to forget about the incident even making kissing face to Bruce if their parents were around and Bruce was somehow able to hold back from slapping her.

Now, he watched as his teammates prepared the field. He had never played this team and he felt a bit nervous, he usually did when he was playing people he didn't know, but he was a quick learner and the coach always happened to play him later in the game.

He looked at the bleachers where Amy was talking to Vance and as usual he did not seem enlightened by their conversation. He felt more comfortable leaving Vance with his family if he knew Amy would be there to make sure their father wouldn't say anything to out of pocket toward Vance.

He directed his attention back to the field as he watched the other teams batter step up to the base. Bruce had noticed that all the players looked older than the kids on his team, he couldn't help but wonder if these people were actually supposed to be versing them. The batter was tall and very broad, his shoulders looked like the stretch far enough that two people could balance on them perfectly.

It made Bruce nervous, and it was worse when he hit a home run after the first ball. Bruce watched in awe as the ball curved and soared through the air and the batter barely had to run. Bruce was good, but this guy was definitely better than him, and it gave him this sickening feeling of wanting to prove he was good at this game.

As the teams switched, he watched as his other teammates began to form the batting line. He couldn't help but look over at the other team, watching them as they judged each of his own. He then made eye contact with the only batter Bruce was shocked by and it made Bruce's face tingle in nerves.

When he stepped up to the plate, he gently swung his bat around like he always seemed to do when he got nervous. He always missed the first two balls, he did it on purpose to pick up the rhythm of pitches, but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

The first ball came fast and Bruce missed it, not on purpose. He was prepared to hit it, but it was like it passed by him in the blink of an eye. His face tensed and he could feel that agonising pit form in his stomach again.

He made sure not to blink on the second ball, he hit it, but not far and he only made it to first base. He looked at his coach who gave him a stern look and Bruce couldn't tell if it was disappointment or shock at his low skill. Bruce never usually stood at a base.

He watched as his teammate stood at home base and Bruce prepared to run. His teammate missed all three and the minutes between balls felt like hours. He wanted to get out of the field where he could feel the other team's eyes on him.

When Bruce finally was able to run to second base, the outfielder had thrown the ball in his direction, causing the boy who was nearest to the plate, to tag Bruce, and he was out. He had never been tagged out. He walked to the dugout with a disappointed weight on his shoulders.

"You doing okay, Yamada?" His coach asked, walking up to him. Bruce stared at the ground as he took a drink from his water bottle. He nodded slowly and thankfully his coach didn't push it any further.

By the end of the game, their team had no chance of winning even if Bruce got a home run. They were points behind, lots of points behind. Bruce hadn't had a good hit the entire game and it made him feel disgusted with himself for ruining the teams chances of getting up in the league.

He walked up to the plate for his last time, he swung his bat before hovering it above his shoulder, his tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he narrowed his eyes to prepare for this fast ball, his legs were bent and his hands tightened around the metal bat as the pitcher hiked his leg.

The ball came fast as Bruce had prepared it, he swung, hearing the sweet sound of the ball clashing with metal, he dropped his bat, running and watching the ball as it finally went over the fence.

He heard his team cheer and then he felt that relief knowing they didn't care if they won or not. He hit home base and that was game. The other team won but he was glad to just be able to hit the ball.

He lined up with his team to shake hands with the others. Bruce couldn't help but internally curse himself for letting the game go when he should've been worrying about his performance and not the batter from the other team.

He went to get his bag from the dugout.

"Hey, twenty-seven!" He heard, he turned as he positioned his bag on his shoulder. It was the batter from the other team and Bruce felt intimidated seeing how tall and broad he was up close.

"Hi." Bruce choked out.

"That last hit was off the hook." He smiled. Bruce had never been told such a compliment over his batting.

"Thanks. But, you were dirty out there, your hits were super good." The batter laughed and Bruce couldn't help but smile, he seemed a lot sweeter than Bruce had thought him to be.

"Thanks, dude. So, you're from up North, right?" Bruce nodded. "Cool. Honestly, I thought you were really good, even in outfield, I thought you'd carry your team."

"I usually do." Bruce whispered in case one of his teammates were around. "Just was having a rough morning I guess." The batter nodded.

"Maybe you should look into transferring teams, come join ours. We could use another good hitter." The batter gently punched Bruce's shoulder. "Swear, you were the only one on your team to curve it."

Bruce laughed. As he went to open his mouth to talk, he felt an arm around his waist and he jumped as he turned to see Vance. Bruce looked at him confused but Vance had a furrowed stare in the batters direction.

Vance turned to look at him and Bruce had noticed that the batter was only a bit taller than Vance but he out ran Vance in broadness, but that didn't make Bruce question who would win if Vance were to pounce on him.

"Let's go." Vance said, Bruce could feel his grip tightening and forcefully pulling Bruce away from the conversation.

Bruce waved to the batter and he slightly waved back.

"Why did you do that?" Bruce mumbled as Vance's pace picked up, Bruce falling into his side a bit.

"Because I didn't want to stand here all day while you chit-chat." He replied, his voice hoarse as he dragging Bruce over to his parents.

As he rounded the corner, he could see his father's disappointed stare digging into his skin.

"Shit." He mumbled out, barely audible.

"Bruce," his father began as the two stopped in front of them, Vance's arm falling back to his side. "That was a terrible game, son. What happened out there?" Bruce tensed.

"I don't know. I tried."

"Not well enough. I've never seen you play like that." He turned to Mrs. Yamada. "I knew we should've put them in separate beds, he probably had a bad sleep and ruined his chances of higher ranking."  Mrs. Yamada rolled her eyes at her husband.

Bruce kept quiet, he knew there was no use in trying to convince his father that it was just a game that had no meaning for Bruce currently. He looked over his shoulder and he could see the batter from the other team with his family, he was smiling and he seemed happy.

Bruce looked back to his father as he started complaining about Bruce's form and swing. They began walking back to the car as Vance leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"You did okay." Bruce looked up at him but he wasn't looking his way anymore. Bruce forcefully hid his smile, it wasn't a great compliment such as 'off the hook' but it meant something to Bruce especially when his father was currently tearing him down.

Bruce looked down between them, he watched as Vance's hand swung slightly with each step. He looked up at Vance again before slowly interlacing their fingers.

Vance held his hand back, it was warm and soft and Bruce couldn't help but think if Vance could feel his calluses.

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