The possibilities were endless. So to prevent this, they put their phones in these holders and any important messages/calls is to be directed to the school.

"Oh yeah Sander, I forgot to tell you. The hospital called." His teacher said with a blank look on his face.

Sander felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. Why the hell would the hospital be calling? Was it for his meds? To book an appointment?

Sanders thoughts continue to flow as his teacher interrupted them. "Said some kid by the name of Robbe Ijzermans got into an accident, didn't go into detail though."

Sanders thoughts suddenly stopped

A look of disbelief and terror washing over his face


"Yeah, kids down at Flintlock's Hospital" his teacher said scratching the back of his head as he looked down at some papers in his hand.

Sander clenched his fist and flexed his jaw as he tried to hold himself back from decking this mother fucker in the face.

This was definitely something important, his teacher should've alerted him right away, but instead he waited til the end of class to tell him.

Not wanting to get suspended for the fourth time that year, Sander turned on his heel and sprinted outside to the bike rack.

Getting on his bike quickly, he immediately started peddling as fast as he could to the hospital.

The hospital just so happen to be wear he does his checkups, which means that Sander knows all the shortcuts like the back of his hand from when he wanted to hurry up and get his appointments over with.


Getting to the hospital a good 10-15 minutes later, (and somehow not getting ran over by a car-no pun intended) Sander rushed in after throwing his bike in a couple of bushes outside.

"I'm here for Robbe, Robbe Ijzermans" he quickly told the lady at the front desk.

He watched as the lady clicked a couple buttons on her computer before muttering out a 'room 406' and letting him go on his way.

That lady definitely needs some coffee

Nearing room 406, he could hear loud talking coming from the room and it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was.

"Dude! He was all red face and snot running down his nose! Man it was the best thing ever!"

Fucking Aaron man

Pushing open the door and seeing the lovely sight of Aaron crowding Robbe as he lays back in the bed with a loopy smile on his face. On the other side of him was Moyo and Jens sitting on some pulled up chairs and recording the interaction between the two boys.

In sync, their heads all snapped towards the boy, taking over the distrusted look on his face, along with his ruffled up clothes and hair.

"Sandyyy!" Robbe smile grew as he tried to sit up in the bed and reaching his arms out towards the older boy.

Hurrying over to his side and placing a hand on his chest and slowly lowering him down, he scanned his boys face and body to see if he can spot any visible injuries (besides his leg of course).

From the corner of his eye he saw the boys tuck away the phone that they were recording with.

Kissing Robbes head extra gently, he turns towards the three idiot boys who were standing there cooing at the hazy Robbe in a teasing manner.

"What the hell happened?" Sanders eyes pointly darted to each boy as they started talking over each other.

"Uhm, er- well" Moyo's eyes darted from left to right, seeming like balls bouncing around a room.

Sander gave him a pointed look as to tell him 'well? Get on with it!'

"We were high and Aaron crashed his board" Jens spoke up for him as Moyo sighed in respond as to not having to answer the intimidating boy.

"Robbe went to go get it- but fell back and some asshole came and somehow hit his leg." Aaron head darted down to the floor as he seemed to be ashamed. "He was to high so he didn't feel it as bad but you know.."

Jens eyes slowly moved towards Robbe as he watched the boy with a loopy smile. He was waving his hand in front of him and was poking himself slowly in the face then went back to watching his hand intently.

Sander turned his head as to check if the boy was still breathing, he obviously was. "Well - um - we'll leave you"

The three boys rushed out the room as Sander turned his full body towards Robbe and slowly lowered his hand to make sure he didn't poke himself in the eye.

Robbe turned his head and looked at the boy adoringly as he watched him take a seat, scooting his chair closer and grabbing his hand softly.

Reaching his hand up to brush the white haired boys hair to the side as he noticed tears slowly staring to well up in Sanders eyes. "I'm ok", he whispered as he feels the effects of the drugs seemingly fading away in this serious moment.

At that, a tear fell from Sanders eyes as the younger boy held onto him a bit tighter.

"Fuck- Robbe- you can't- you could've" Not able to form a sentence as more tears started to flow freely down his face.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful. I promise" feeling himself tearing up as he watched the love of his life break down in front of him.

"Promise?" Sander said leaning his head on the younger. "Promise" Robbe said as he pressed a passionate kiss to his lips.


I love McDonald's

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