The talk

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2 days after, Mick texted me.

Mick Schumacher Active now.

Hey when do you have time for me?

I know by that text, he's not taking any bad excuses.

Today, now. Here is my address: XXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX.

Great, see ya.

30 minutes later, I hear someone knocking on my door, I already made sure Oliver was at my moms place, so he wouldn't have to go through this. Not right now, at least.

I walk over to the door, and open it for Mick, who stands impatiently behind it. Shit, I forgot to remove some of Olivers toys. Mick immediately saw them. "Babysitting?"


"Your sisters?" He looks at me confused.

"Not yet."

"Yours?" I go pale, by the question, not mine only, ours Mick. But at last he didn't know yet. I let out at big exhale, looking up at him.


"Congrats." He went further into the apartment, he looked around. "So a whole new life I see. A kid, husband, this place."

"Oh no, no husband or boyfriend. Just me and the little guy." He looks at me sad, and twisted his mouth an inch. I showed him around the apartment, when we got back in the livingroom, we were both sat on the couch.

"Could I get you anything, coffee, tea, water?"

"No, no thanks." Okay, I sit down. Knowing that we have to get through this conversation. We talk about his rising career for a bit. When my phone light up on the table, the newest picture I have taken of Ollie is my wallpaper.

I grab my phone to answer, because it's my mom. Who asks about how it's going. "How old is he?"Fuck. This is it. Okay calm, collected and breath.

"Oliver? He's four." Mick looks at me, with no facial expression. He knows what this means.

"Wh- Who is his father?" He stumbles on his words.

"I think you know.." Mick quickly gets up from the couch, with his hands in his face.

"How could you keep my own child from me?"

"I thought you didn't want him! You were so mad at me, because of the fight, that we had that night. When you had been out with another girl. That was the night, that I wanted to tell you, that was the night I found out. The night you were out having fun, I found out I was pregnant, with your kid. I had to leave! I knew you didn't want this, this life. You said it yourself, you were done with me."

He pinched the bridge of his perfectly shaped nose. When he had calmed down, he sat down next to me again. "Okay, I wanna fix this. I wanna be apart of Olivers life, as his dad. Does he know, who his dad is?" I nod. 

"Ollie knows, his dad is a racing driver. He just think his daddy left us, because he needed to focus on his career, but that he still loves us." I see how much this hurts Mick, deeply.

"Okay. Well will you allow me, to be in his life, as his dad?" 

"Yes, but it needs to happen slowly. He acts like he's all strong, and tough around other people, but he's  fragile and sensitive." Mick nods, smiling at me.

"Where is he now?"

"He's at my moms place. I didn't want him to be here in case it didn't go right."

"I understand, so when will I get to see him?"

"Well, I mean my mom is gonna bring him here, so he should be home in 10 minutes, I think." He nods in my direction.

10 minutes later.

My mom walks through the door, with Ollie on her hip. She leaves just as fast, she already knew the situation, because I called her telling her how it went. My little boy squeals at the sight of me. God, now the similarities are even more vivid.

"Hey! My handsome boy!" I grab him, as he jumps into my arms. I hug him tightly, never getting enough of this feeling.

"Hello, Mummy." Ollie backs away from the hug, still in my embrace. "I missed you Mummy. But who is that?" He says, while he points at Mick. Who is standing behind us. I let Ollie stand on the floor again, giving myself time to think about how I'm gonna tell him this. 

Mick walk closer to us. I know he doesn't wanna overstep. So he waits for my approval to come closer, with a nod he does. Me and Mick sit beside each other on the couch, with Ollie on my lap. "So Ollie, do you remember all the times, where we have talked about you dad?" I look down at Ollie, who is inspecting Mick, like he was a piece of art (He is) Ollie looks back at me and nods.          

"I told you that your daddy is a race car driver, that he will always love you. Your daddy wanted to focus on his career, when Mummy and him where younger, so that's why it has always been you and my, right Buddy."

"Yeah, can we watch Daddy race sometime?" I smile, at the excitement in the eyes of my son.

"I think that can be arranged." I smile and look over at Mick, who looks scared. "Something totally crazy happen, are you ready to hear it?" Ollie nods, while Mick moves closer to me. 

I immediately feel the butterfly's flying around in my stomach, as hard I try to reject them. They get the best of me, so I let them. "Three days ago, in the restaurant Mummy works at, Mick here and all his friends, where having dinner. And Mick is a Formula One driver." Ollie still sitting in my lap, looks at the both of us. He a smart kid, he's figuring it out, in that little head. I know he is.

"Are you my Daddy?" He looks over at Mick, the little man having few facial expression, good luck reading this one Mick. 

Mick looks over at me, I nod so he knows he can tell him. "I am, indeed Oliver." My gaze flickers between Mick and Ollie. Before our son leaps out of my lap into Micks. 

I see it takes him as a surprise, that's how we knew Ollie best. Ollie gets off the couch and starts talking about cars and racing with Mick. "You can call me Ollie, Mummy and granny does." Mick nods at Ollie.

I take a picture of them, sitting together on the couch. They look so much alike, it's almost scary.

Oliver Macauly SchumacherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon