I'm not enough and I can't be everything to everyone.

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I'm not enough Catholic or Jewish,
Not enough Straight or Queer.
I'm not enough as a woman,
But I'm not a Man, that's clear.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough,
Like I can't meet everyone's needs.
But I need to remember my own worth,
And let my own soul lead.

I cannot be everything to everyone,
No matter how hard I try.
But I can honor my own journey,
And let my own light shine.

It's not my job to please the world,
Or to fit into others' molds.
I need to honor my own uniqueness,
And let my own story be told.

I cannot be all things to anyone,
But I can be the best version of me.
I need to let my own heart guide me,
And let my own spirit roam free.

I'm not enough Catholic or Jewish,
Not enough Straight or Queer.
I'm not enough as a woman,
But I'm not a Man, that's clear.

But that's okay, for I am enough,
Just as I am in this life.
I need to honor my own journey,
And let my own light shine bright.

So I'll focus on my own growth,
And let my own spirit soar.
I cannot be everything to everyone,
But I can be myself, nothing more.

I am unique and wonderful,
In my own special way.
I need to honor my own truth,
And let my own light lead the way.

So let me embrace my own story,
And the person I was meant to be.
For I am enough just as I am,
And that's a truth that sets me free.

I cannot be everything to everyone,
But I can live my own authentic life.
I need to let my own light shine,
And let my own spirit thrive.

I'm not enough of this or that,
I don't fit into every box.
I'm not enough for some people,
And that can be a hard pill to swallow.

But I'm learning to embrace my truth,
And accept myself as I am.
I'm not perfect, but who is?
I am flawed, but also beautiful in my own way.

I cannot be everything to everyone,
No matter how much I try.
I am not a shape-shifter,
And I cannot bend myself to fit every expectation.

But what I can do is honor my own journey,
And trust my own intuition.
I can embrace my own strengths and weaknesses,
And let my own light shine through the cracks.

I am not enough for everyone,
But that's not my responsibility.
My responsibility is to be true to myself,
And to live my own life as fully and authentically as I can.

So I'll celebrate my uniqueness,
And let my own spirit guide me.
I am not enough for everyone,
But I am enough for myself, and that's enough for me.

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