Chapter 52: The King of Hyrule

Start from the beginning

"Aven, you called for me?" She tilted her head.

"Yes, I have...grave news." He looked down at his feet, his voice hurt and low.

"Do tell. I'm sure that there is some way that I can help."

"There is nothing you can do. Not anymore."

Mipha's expression fell, and so did everyone else's. She took a step closer to him. "What do you mean?"

"Alivia is dead."

Everyone in the room gasped. Mipha covered her mouth, tears beginning to burn in her throat. She felt her heart stop. "Wh-When? Where?"

"A week ago on their vacation in the Hebra region. Serdin killed her. H-He had this thing that allowed him to create monsters out of thin air..." he began to get choked up. "H-He destroyed their cabin. Th-They made Anya take Oran and run. Alivia sacrificed herself. She was trampled in a stampede of all the monsters. Gyan described to me every injury in detail. My poor daughter..."

"No... And she just had a child... Oh, Alivia... Why am I just learning about this now? You should have told me immediately!"

"Gyan and I are hurt enough. We don't want to see any more letters of condolences. We're tired of being reminded of it."

"But Alivia meant a lot to me too. And what about my children, my brother? They were so close with her, Aven. They're going to be devastated."

"I know...that's why I came here. I wanted to spare you all the pain of waiting. Her funeral is coming up next week. It'll be in Tarrey Town." The king began to make his leave, but Mipha set her hand on his shoulder.

"Aven, aren't you going to stay and tell the others?"

"I told you and Dorpehan, didn't I? You can be the messengers."

"Then where are you going?" She tightened her grip on him when he didn't speak. "Aven, please. I can already see that your depression has deepened. Stay here. You and I can talk things out. We can work through this grief."

"I don't want to talk. Besides, you're just as broken as I am. What good will you do?"

Mipha loosened her grip, stunned by his blunt response. She watched him leave the room without any goodbyes. The council members muttered to themselves, and Dorephan's voice broke through their chatter, "Mipha, are you alright?"

She turned her head and looked up at him. A tear rolled down her cheek, now letting herself break, "I just can't believe it... Serdin killed another... Everyone I love is disappearing right before my eyes!"


Aven limply walked through Zodobon Highlands. He walked along the cliff-edge, staring into the deep waters of Rutala River. Eventually, he stopped, and he felt a cold breeze try to envelope him. His mind became overwhelmed, and he cried out and fell to his knees. Over and over he repeated how much he hated himself. He should have been there for Alivia. He should have been more aware of the dangers. He had failed Zelda. He promised her that he would protect their little bird with everything he had. He was willing to sacrifice his own life for her. Instead, she sacrificed herself for them. If Zelda were to come back, what would she think of him?

The deep blue water called out to the broken King of Hyrule. It was tempting. It was persuasive. What's the worse that could happen? His people have already lost their queen for who knows how long. Their princess has been erased. Her family is still alive at least. Would anyone even bat an eye if the king just so happened to be lost too? Again, the waters were persuasive. The pain would just go away, would it not? No more turmoil. No more struggle. It would just be nothing.

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