Chapter Fifteen and Author's Note

Comenzar desde el principio

The younger girl grinned, "Okay...I like that." she announced, she looked up at the thirteen year old, with a pair of big brown eyes that were similar to hers, " Can you be my sister... if Peter is my brother?" she asked.

Penny grinned at her, she really liked the younger girl, "Yes, if you want."

The younger girl grinned and threw herself at the teenager and hugged her again "Yay!" she announced.

"Who are your parents?" Penny asked her, wondering who was responsible for the cute eight year old.

"My daddy is ironman!" Morgan announced proudly.

"That's cool, Mr. Stark is really nice." she replied, smiling softly

"Uh huh, my daddy is the best daddy in the world." the younger girl replied, grinning at the thirteen year old.

Nat smiled as Penny and Morgan talked with each other; Morgan was closer to the teenager in her first time talking to her than she'd ever been in the past two weeks. Penny seemed happy talking to Morgan; she smiled and laughed more when talking to the younger girl. Nat could tell that she also did not pause to think about what she was going to say before finishing what was going to come out of her mouth. She watched as Morgan took Penny's hand again and pulled her off of the couch, as she started leading her around the compound. The younger girl dragged her upstairs and down the fourth floor hall to the staircase that Penny had never noticed before. She pulled the younger teenager up the stairs behind her, talking about many different topics before they reached the penthouse floor. Penny quickly realized that this was Mister Stark's floor; there were several pictures of him and Pepper Potts with the young girl at different ages as well as ones with the young girl with Peter and the entire family with the doe-eyed boy. She paused for a few seconds when she noticed that there were a few pictures of her in the suite as well, she wondered when the billionaire had taken a few of them since some of them were current. One was with her and Peter from a few weeks ago, Peter had hugged her tightly from behind, both of them had large smiles on their faces. Morgan pointed at the picture, announcing that it was her before pulling her down the hall and pointing out every picture that had the thirteen year old or her brother in it. She stopped at a pale yellow painted door with large letters that spelled out the name "Morgan" in bright green and pink colors. Morgan pulled her into her room and showed her all her dolls and toys for almost an hour before showing her around the rest of the compound. Even though she'd been to most of the places that the younger girl had shower her, she enjoyed being with her. It was like having the little sister that she always wanted, especially when the younger girl kept calling her her sister with a large smile on her little face. When Morgan brought her back up the stairs from the second floor, she quickly let go of her hand and ran over to Kate who'd come down from her room, her t-shirt and jeans from earlier had been swapped out with a t-shirt and shorts.

"Katie!" she exclaimed loudly, hugging the older girl's legs.

"Hey Morgie," Kate announced as she picked the younger girl up, slightly swinging her around before placing her on her hip.

"I missed you." the younger girl replied, "You didn't come with Mommy and me from Californa," she announced, slightly mispronouncing the state's name.

Kate laughed slightly, "I missed you too Morgie, but I couldn't come with you this time. I had stuff to do with my family and Lena. What have you been doing today?" she asked.

"Mommy and me came back today and I played with daddy in the lab. He let me paint his suit with him." she announced.

"Really?" Kate nodded, she'd seen the iron man suits that had little handprints and finger marks from the younger girl, from when Tony let her help him paint the suits that weren't going to be used.

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