Part One: Contact(Alliance)

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Kablankst, Eastern Coast , Estaria.
99th Border Division
1700 Hours

A pair of observers sat in their small bunker of sorts, gazing out to sea as the fog was beginning to set in. "What do you think, Comrade?"

"About?" The other man sighed. "The whole... storm? Hmph. It doesn't bother me. The task is the same."

"Sergey..." The first soldier snorted. "We do not know what is out there, and as such, it does affect us."

"Vladimir, you worry too much. Even if there is something out there, we have always came out on top." Sergey chuckled before lighting up a smoke.

Vladimir sighed before bringing up a pair of Binoculars to his eyes before frowning. "Something's in the fog..."

Sergey shook his head before bringing his rifle to his eye, looking into the scope before snuffing out his smoke. "Inform command." "Sir!" Vladimir started to reach for the radio before distant booms were heard.

The pair waited for a few seconds before the surrounding land exploded as eight large caliber shells landed, causing the fortification to collapse in from the shock-waves, the pair falling unconscious as they were not exactly the best recruits, nor experienced at all.

Fifteen minutes later, the first foreign soldiers made landfall in the port town of Kablankst, docking with no resistance from the local garrison. The 3rd Legion of the Grand Alliance, along with the over 100 ships of the 3rd Fleet, has unwittingly invaded a sleeping bear.

As the Garrison withdrew from the port town, they, by all means, were still prepared to fight. But with only 5,000 conscripts who were poorly armed and had no armored, artillery, or air support, they stood no real chance in the field. Which is why they withdrew five kilometers inland to an old fortress, known by the name of The Serbian Shield.

This fortress is almost as old as Estaria herself, but she was not built by the Estarians. But the fortress, after a prolonged war of resistance, surrendered and became pivotal to the defensive lines of the Far East.

Standing against the 5,000 Conscripts of the 99th Border Division was the entirety of the Third Legion of the Alliance. Over 50,000 soldiers, well equipped by Alliance Standards, with over 100 Siege Tanks, 200 Artillery pieces, and supported by a Gunship and its accompanying Aircraft group.

1750 Hours

"Comrade President! We are being invaded by an unknown force in the east! The 99th has already suffered casualties, but they are planning to hold until reinforcements." A Military officer stated, looking expectantly at his Commander-in-Chief.

Nonna remained silent for a moment before turning to face the officer. "Tell them that we will be organizing a counter-attack. Until relieved, they are to hold the enemy if able, and if not, delay them as much as possible. As to which units to send, notify the Far East Corps, as well as the Far East Fleet and the Far East Air Defense Wing. They will lead the operations there." The Officer saluted before leaving the room.

The Serbian Shield
99th Border Division
2200 Hours

The final preparations were made as they got orders. Hold until unable. Translated in essence to 'Hold to the last man', an order that was given often at major defensive points or major cities in the Great War, often to mixed results immediately.

The Conscripts, while not enthused before into being brought into the Red Army unwillingly, were more than willing to fight to the end to defend their Motherland. They even brought up the old arsenal of cannons within to provide close range artillery support. Trenches on the ground were manned, and the best marksmen on the ramparts with those of the artillery crews.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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