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Anastasia Russo:

The next morning I woke up to my cheeks burning under the heat of the heavy blanket. The sun rays were peaking through my huge window. I shoved the blanket off me and stumbled off my bed to the bathroom.

The blood from last night had been cleaned. I walked towards the mirror and tried my best to ignore my appearance as I brushed my teeth.

After pacing around my room for a few minutes, contemplating opening the door or getting back into bed, I heard the doorknob twist and open.

Matteo and Enzo walked in.

"Hey sorellina," They both said in chorus then looked to eachother surprised.

"Stop copying me kiddo." Enzo spat, walking towards me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You're a year older than me. That's nothing!" Argued Matteo.

I laughed and smiled at the two.

"Are you excited to start school tomorrow?" Enzo asked, ignoring his brother tugging at his arm angrily.

"Tomorrow? I thought I was starting next week?.."

Matteo stopped tugging and looked at me like he was holding back a laugh. "Tomorrow's Monday you dork." He chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"Hey! Don't call her that!" Enzo shouted, pushing his hand off my head. I giggled.

"It's okay, I don't mind it." I smiled at Matteo who grinned at me in return.

"Don't worry about starting school sorellina. Me Francesa and Enzo will be there with you anyways." Matteo said, leaving me feeling a bit releaved.

They took my hands and led me down a few sets of stairs into the dining hall. I managed to remember the way this time.

Everyone was sat in their regular seats in fancy attire which made me feel a bit embarrassed about my shorts and old shirt. I sat down next to Francesa wearing a skimpy black dress and red lipstick. She gave me a warm smile and slung her arm around me shoulder.

Father put down his phone and gave me a nod to check if I was okay after last night. I nodded back and looked down at my plate. Pancakes, waffles and fruit were spread across it. All the food on the table made me nervous too. A range of meats, sweet pastries, desserts and smoothies.

Everyone had already begun eating, I nervously picked up my fork and fiddled with the pancakes.
A maid came over to me. She looked young, maybe even around my age. She had long black hair up to her waist and pretty rouge lips.

"I used to struggle with eating too," She whispered with a smile. "Try some fruits to start with." She began dishing me a bowl of carefully cut and peeled fruits and placed it infront of me.

I smiled at her. "Thank you. What's your name?"

"Violet," She smiled one last time before heading back to the kitchen.

I began picking at the fruits, then started eating them with slow bites. It took me about 5 bites to finish one grape but I was proud of myself.

A few minutes later father spoke from the edge of the table. "Anastasia darling, Lorenzo will drive you to your therapy appointment after breakfast. Then only if you'd like you can go to the mall with your siblings to pick out whatever you need."

I smiled at him and nodded. I didn't refuse the offer to the mall even though I normally don't like people buying me gifts because I did need a few things.

I looked over at Lorenzo who was too busy finishing off his eggs and scrolling on his phone to be paying attention to the conversation.

After breakfast Lorenzo took my hand and guided me through a few hallways until we reached outside. I squinted my eyes from the sun. I looked in amazement as we entered a large garage with about 20 fancy cars. Lorenzo stopped at a black porsche with shaded windows. He unlocked it and opened the passangers door for me, I stepped inside and sat down.

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