Chapter 4

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They quickly got to the hospital and were taken through to Marion's room, this was because Amy was still in Surgery. Marion thankfully was awake and not that badly injured.
Marion explained to Jack, Lyndy and Ty what Amy did just before the impact.
"Omg Love, Amy saved your life."
"I know Mum, I can't believe she did that, she went through the windscreen backwards and I hit her, saving me. How is she Dad."
"She's in a bad way Marion, I'm not going to lie, the Doctor said we need to pray and keep our fingers crossed for the next 48hrs."
Ty was listening and started murmuring.
"Ty, can you repeat that so I can hear what you just said again please."
" Err, I just said that this can't be happening again."
"What do you mean happening again, this is the first time."
"No Dad, it's happened before hasn't it Ty, but not in this life, more like the last one, eh Ty!!!".
"I don't really know why I said it Marion, I feel like something similar has happened before but how can that be".
Marion looked at Lyndy and winked.
"Ty, when you get back to Heartland I have some Journal's for you to read, Mum, you know which ones to give him."
They were eventually allowed in to see Amy who was all bandaged up, Ty saw her and he felt so sad that she'd been hurt so badly. Jack and Lyndy kissed each hand and Lyndy took Jack's arm and led him out leaving Ty with Amy.
He sat down beside her and held her hand, while he was rolling his thumb around the back of her hand in a circle he started to talk to her..
"Don't leave me alone Amy, please, not again, I do remember that we're soul mates , at least this time there's medication and surgeon's to save us.
My Heart broke when you passed away all those years ago, this time I hope we get our happy ever after. I know your about 16 but I intend to marry you Amy Bartlett Fleming and we can hopefully make many babies together, and finally have a long life. I will be back tomorrow, I Love You."
Lyndy was listening at the door and moved away after Ty stopped talking, she waited for him to come out of Amy's room.

Ty did come out a minute later and as he got close towards Lyndy she wrapped her arm through his as they walked back towards Marion's room.
"Ty, how long have you known that you and Amy have been Past Life Soul Mates".
"About an hour ago, it just came flooding back to me. The problem though is if you mention it to soon it can frighten your soul mate away before the've recalled their feelings that the've always had."
"I'm sorry I was listening Ty but is that why you spoke to her alone while she slept."
"Yes, hopefully she will see or feel or even smell something that brings back a memory".
"How much do you remember from 1861 Ty".
"Wow, you know the date, how!!!!."
"Remember we said we wanted you to read some Journal's when we get back, well there Amy's and her Brothers, Jeremy his name was."
" I know, so you knew who I was before."
"Well not exactly, you could have been the wrong person, you may never of remembered, we had no idea."
"Well I'm glad you gave me the option thank you Lyndy".
"Omg, Lou you made it".
"Hi Gramdma, how are they."
"Come say hello to ya mum first love, she's awake and still with us thanks to Amy."
Lou saw her Mum and ran to her holding her, knowing that it could of been so different, Marion explained what happened and what Amy did.
Then Lyndy took Lou to see her Sister.
"Oh Grandma she looks terrible, I still can't get over what she did to save Mums life, will she be alright."
"Doctor says to pray and keep our fingers crossed for the next 48 hours."
"Who's the young man watching Amy."
"Long story, best told over a glass of wine and some family Journal's me and your Mum found."

That night back at Heartland, there were Journal's open and bottles of wine open although they were empty, and stories told, *POP* another bottle opens, Ty is amazed at the entries made by Amy, especially those about Ty after they met and then after she passed away, her brother Jeremy took over for a while untilhe startedhis own Journal's. The more Ty reads the more he remembers about after her funeral.
"Lyndy, is Amy Bartlett up in the Family Cemetery".
"Jack, are all your family buried up on the hill".
"I didn't even know until you told me, and Ty your other family name was Payne is that correct".
"Yes it was Jack, after reading some of these Journal's I remember that I eventually married and raised a family, I expect my old life is buried up on the farm if its still there".
"Oh Ty, yes our family have always kept the family Cemetery looking smart, and I've been there and checked, your previous life is buried there. You see Ty my family were called Payne, the descendants of your family 130 years ago".
"Really, your a Payne".
"Yes  Ty."
"You know Ty, when Lyndy and Marion found the boxes in the secret loft compartment and we read them, we were shocked and surprised that the families of the Bartlett's and the Payne's were almost Joined together a lot earlier than myself and Lyndy".
"This is so weird, I can't believe it".
Lou was completely interested in what the family found out and started reading the Journal's that night. She was amazed.

A Young Amy 1861 / 1991Where stories live. Discover now