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Michael POV

Me And prince had friends over it was very quiet we're all in the kitchen having a good time

Prince POV

We're all in the kitchen having a good time it was great to have this and good people around

Michael And Prince were being lovey dovey to each other but Michael had a surprise for prince that he told him to sit closer to him

Once he did prince felt Michael hand go down his pants and it felt so good that he tried so hard not to make a sound he grew excited

Prince began sweating a little bit and nobody noticed

Michael stopped and left prince horny he came to the guest bathroom and washed his hands he knew prince would follow him

Prince told everyone that he'll be back and came to follow Michael into the bathroom

Prince came in and kissed Michael he was horny after Michael did that 

An hour later

Prince POV

I woke up to see Michael gone oh wow it's been an hour since we been asleep

Michael POV

Everyone has left prince has been asleep every since he's so cute

Michael back was turned and he felt arms around him he knew it was prince he wanted him to come to bed

Prince: come to bed

Michael: ok ...you go back and lay down I'll be right there

So prince came to lay back down and Michael turned off his desk light and came to bed

A few days later

Michael POV

It's been a few days and I have been working none stop but today I decided to take some time off

Prince POV

I'm so happy that Michael is deciding to take a break for awhile he needs it more than anything

Michael: yes

Prince: I ran you a bath

Michael: that's nice of you but you didn't have to

Prince: I know but you need to relax

Michael: ok

So he came and relaxed in the bath it was actually nice he needed it so much so he closed his eyes for a bit

Prince knew he needed more than anything all the stress he had on him it was time to relax

Five minutes later

Michael POV

I feel so much better more relaxed after taking a bubble bath

Michael decided to put on something comfortable to wear around the house since he wasn't going anywhere else today

Prince wanted to cuddle so he cuddled next to Michael who was laying on the couch

Prince just adored Michael he was so handsome he could stare at him all day if he wanted to and never get tired of it

A week later

Michael POV

Prince has been gone for a week but he's coming today I know he's excited he doesn't have to be around to feel the excitement you just know when he's excited to be home after being gone for a so long

Prince POV

I was going home today I was so happy I couldn't wait to see my baby that handsome face I've been gone for a week now and I couldn't wait to go home and relax

Michael came to run him a bath for him to relax cause he knew his body would be aching and feet as well for wearing heels all day

Prince made it home and walked inside the house to a quiet home so he came upstairs

Michael was doing some cleaning up and laundry as well when prince walked in

Michael: ok I ran you a bath to relax in

Prince: ahh thanks

Michael: your welcome ...

Prince got undress and put his clothes in the basket that Michael had in his hand and came to get in the tub to relax his body

The telephone ringed but the person had the wrong number

Prince closed his eyes for a bit and Michael came to wash clothes for tonight and do some more cleaning up as well

After a good hour prince ended up falling asleep Michael changed the sheets and pillows he knocked out soon after fresh sheets and pillows
Michael put the covers over him and gave him a kiss on the cheek he thought prince was so cute

So he finished up cleaning and then he came to shower so he can go to bed as well after a long day of running errands and doing chores

Michael got in bed and read for a few minutes before going to sleep ...prince cuddled next to to him as he was reading a book that he wanted to finish before bed

After he finished reading he turned the light and laid down to go to sleep ...Michael was like prince pillow he was soft and warm to sleep on


Prince POV

I came back to bed I had to use the bathroom and laid back down ahh the bed was so much warmer when you get back in it Michael was peacefully sleeping well goodnight

Michael POV

Prince just came back to sleep after going to the bathroom and he cuddled next to me my back was turned he loves cuddling it was something he loved and enjoyed doing being next to someone when he sleeps and it was cute

The air was flowing through the house and it felt very nice and it was very peaceful throughout the night
Nights like that are beautiful when it just peace and quiet and everyone goes home so you can have a clear mind and thoughts to yourself


Prince POV

I heard a noise so I came downstairs to look but didn't see no one so I came back to bed and got into the bed to go back to sleep it probably wasn't nothing to worry about

Prince laid back down and put the covers over him then he slowly began falling back to sleep ...Michael felt him getting back in bed and going to sleep like it was nothing

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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