She cleared her throat and gave James a little nudge, he helped her climb down from his shoulders.

She gave him a small smile and looked back at Fabian.

"Nice game" she said
"I was about the say the same" he told her

There was a moment of silence between the two before he finally spoke again.

"Well see you around" he said
"See you" she echoed quietly, hoping there would have been more.

December 8th 1974

"I hate everything" Mary cried dramatically
"I don't look good in any of this"

"That's not true" Ella said
"I really liked the black one"

"Yeah but it's too boring" Mary huffed
"What about the purple one?" Lily asked.

Mary was the last girl to decide on a dress. Lily had chosen a beautiful green long sleeve dress and Marlene picked a black strapless dress that showed off her figure.

"Yeah maybe I'll try that one again" Mary mumbled heading back to the dressing room.

Ella got up from the chair she was sitting on to look at the dresses again.

She ran her hand along the rack and paused when she saw a stunning deep red dress.

It was an a line dress with a full skirt. It had a deep v neck and looked like a halter top but at the shoulder the straps cascaded down the back in two trains.

It was backless with a criss cross strap. It was beautiful.

"Try it on" Lily said coming up from behind Ella.

"No" she said shaking her head
"I'm not even going"

"But you could" Marlene said
"I don't have a date" she told them for the millionth time.

Lily was going with James and after asking El if she was alright with it Mary accepted Sirius's invitation.

"I don't have a date either" Marlene pointed out.

"Come on just try it on" Lily encouraged
"It's even your size" she said after looking at the tag.

"Fine fine" she agreed
"But I'm only trying it on, that doesn't mean I'm going"

The girls squealed and hurried to the dressing rooms.

Mary came out in the purple dress and her mouth fell open when she saw Ella holding a dress.

"Are you trying that on?" She asked excitedly
"Yes" she laughed

"Go go" Mary pushed her into the dressing room and closed the curtain after her.

"I really do like the purple one on you" Lily said  turning to face Mary once Ella was behind the curtain.

"You think?" Mary asked turning back to the mirror.

El smiled and looked in the mirror with the dress in her hand.

She let out a breath before undressing and putting the dress on.

She couldn't take her eyes off of herself in the mirror. She ran her hands over the delicate fabric.

"Come on out El we can't wait" Marlene shouted from the other side of the curtain

"Alright I'm coming!" She stepped out of the dressing room and all three girls gasped.

"Ella" Lily breathed out
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Mary said in awe.

"You have to get it" Lily said
"But I'm not even going" she reminded them

Marlene let out a dramatic groan and rolled her eyes.

"Ella" she said standing in front of her
"Will you be my date to the dance?" She asked getting down on one knee.

All of the girls burst out laughing
"Come on say yes!" Mary shouted jumping up and down.

"Alright Yes!" Ella shouted through her giggles

December 13th 1974

It was late and Ella was in the library studying for her final exam of the week before the holidays.

All of the girls had already gone back to their dorm so she was all alone at the big table. Her books and notes scattered around her.

History of magic was easily her least favorite subject and she wasn't looking forward to the exam.

"Mind if I sit?"

Ella looked up and Fabian was standing across from her.

"Not sure there's any room" she teased motioning to the large table.

Fabian rolled his eyes and smiled as he set his things down.

"Last minute study sessions?" He asked picking up some of her notes.

"Yeah, history of magic" she told him
"Oh bummer" he said drumming his fingers on the table

Ella nodded and put her quill down unsuccessfully trying to hide her smile
"Are you done with exams?" She asked

"Yeah finished up yesterday" he answered
"Are you heading home soon or....?"

"Not yet, Gideon and I didn't want to miss the dance" he told her

"Oh yeah" she said
"Are you going?" He asked a bit awkwardly

"Oh" his smile fell
"With Marlene" Ella said with a shrug and smile.

"Oh....that's fun" Fabian said his smile coming back

"Seems like everyone's gone crazy trying to get a date" he said and El nodded in agreement.

"Who are you going with?" She asked hesitantly

"No one" Fabian shrugged
"Just third wheeling Gideon and Rachel"

She nodded and smiled up at him
"Well I'll leave you to it then" he said and got to his feet.

"See you around" he said and left the library.

December 23rd 1974

It was the night before the ball and everyone seemed to be in a tizzy.

Ella couldn't handle anymore hair and makeup trials in her dorm so she escaped to the astronomy tower for a bit.

"Fancy seeing you here" Regulus said as he climbed the stairs to the top.

Ella laughed and patted the spot next to her for him to sit.

He came over and smiled
"Thought you'd be getting ready for tomorrow"

"I've had enough prep" she laughed
"What about you?"
"Me?" He asked

"Oh I'm all set, my dress is ready" he teased and Ella laughed

"Who are you taking?" She asked
"No one" he said quickly

"Yeah so you'll have to save me a dance"

"Regulus Black asking me to dance" she said putting her hand on her heart

"I'm honored" she gushed teasing him
"For fucks sake never mind" he laughed

"I'm only teasing" she laughed playfully pushing his shoulder.

Regulus pushed her back which turned into the two getting into a full on fight.

Ella was laughing so hard she could barely defend herself and he easily pinned her to the ground.

He looked into her eyes and her laughter died down her chest rising and falling heavily, her heart beating a mile a minute.

"Just one dance" he whispered. She could feel her face heat up as he leaned closer placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

He stood up and smiled quickly before heading down the stairs.

Intertwining your soul (with somebody else) // Fabian Prewett Where stories live. Discover now