Chapter Sixty-Five

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"There isn't much to tell," I lie

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"There isn't much to tell," I lie. There is ten books worth of things I could tell him but not if I want Christian to actually like Jordan. It would be nice to have a family member that didn't absolutely despise him. Plus jordan and him act quite similar.

He sits on the desk chair, not ready to leave just yet. "What's his name?"

"Jordan." I roll my eyes.

"Last name?"

My eyes squint. "Why do you need that information?"

His do the same. "Why are you withholding that information?"

I let out a defeated sigh. "Because I know that you're going to hate him regardless of what I tell you." I place the warm plate of food on my lap and begin eating, this conversation heightening my appetite.

"Does he treat you right?"

I look away from his eyes for a second to think. Jordan treats me the only way he knows how. "Yes."

"What was the last nice thing he did for you?"

I begin to think again, completely drawing a blank. This is not the time for my brain to give out on me, I'm trying to prove a point. "He drove me to Denver's last night so I wouldn't have to drive." A smile etched my lips.

"You consider that nice? That is quite literally the most basic and un-special gesture I've ever heard of."

I tug at my fingers, not liking how the conversation is going. Jordan and I's relationship is different and I don't expect people to understand us but I just wished people would stop making me feel stupid for being with the person I love. "It was sweet to me."

Christian sighs, resting his palm on my knee. I look at him, taking in the way his expression has softened. "Look I know I may seem harsh and overprotective but after what happened with Gabriella I vowed to never let another one of my siblings get into a situation like that. I suppose this is more about me than it is you." He runs a hand through his hair. "So please just tell me the truth."

I know Gabriella's past situation is a sore subject for the family. Denver has expressed to me that the entire family felt so guilty and was an utter mess once she finally decided to tell them what she had gone through. To this day I don't know the full story but I know better than to ask, it really is none of my business and has been long buried.

"Okay." I take one last bite of food before getting comfortable. "Are you sure you want to know?"

He nods and with that I begin telling Christian everything from the beginning. From the car crash, to Rosie and Blake, to Bristol, to the woman he basically cheated on me with, to our horrible break, to his diagnosis and finally to our current state now. It's always a little embarrassing to say all the things he's done out loud, I feel as though everyone is going to judge me.
"That's basically it." I conclude with a shrug.

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