Chapter 1: A Voice in Danger

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Kaito Suzuki had always been praised for his amazing singing voice. He was a popular idol, loved by many for his music and charm. But behind the scenes, Kaito was overworked and exhausted from constant rehearsals and performances. His vocal cords were strained, and he could feel his voice slipping away from him.

Kaito's manager, Mr. Tanaka, noticed the change in his voice and decided to have a serious talk with him.

"Kaito, I'm worried about you. Your voice is at risk, and you need to take a break from singing for a while," Mr. Tanaka said.

Kaito was shocked. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"Find a new hobby. Something that will distract you from singing and help you relax. You're free to choose whatever you want."

Kaito was hesitant at first, but he decided to take Mr. Tanaka's advice. He took a break from singing and started to explore different activities. He tried cooking, painting, and even photography, but nothing seemed to interest him.

One day, while he was walking around town, he stumbled upon an ice rink. He watched as the skaters twirled and spun on the ice, their movements graceful and fluid. Kaito was mesmerized by their performance and felt a strange urge to try it out for himself.

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