
1 0 0

katya go to derwin

katya was nervous

eda:hey is not bad

raine:yeah :)


katya go to derwin

katya blush 0///0

derwin: katya i love you and i swear i will always love you and take care of you you were always there for me and for us you are funny and smart and different katya do you want to marry me


derwin and katya kiss

months later
is was a great day for katya and derwin the wedding

katerina:oh my titan katya you are so beautiful 🥺

daniela:yeah you are how my sister haha

katya:haha thanks aunt daniela and you too mom
where is cousin damien

damien:i am here sorry to late cousin katya
i have to my child help

damien husband:ahem i have too help

adrian graye voice:stop fight you both

look to adrian graye

andrian graye:today is a great for your cousin
you two can later argue not here from your cousin

damien:ok uncle graye

adrian graye go to katya

adrian graye:you are so beautiful katy
how your mother

katya:awww 🥺 stop i think i cry

adrian graye laugh

katerina:you and derwin you had a great futur


adrian graye:what wrong little fang

katya:i i make worried about that
me and derwin w..what

katerina:hey hey shh it's ok sweetie that want not happen

daniela:yeah look
your dad is away

katya:i know ok
mom how was at you you had a first love

katerina:oh katy

katerina hugs daughter


all look to darius

darius:is time

adrian graye:give us a min darius

katya:no i i am

adrian graye:are you sure

katya:yes uncle

back to derwin and the other

derwin whisper to parent raine:nobi what goin on why come katy not is was happen


derwin become panic

eda:wow clam down derwin she is fine

eda whisper to luz:go to katya now

luz nod and go

but luz come back

eda:oh fast 0-0

luz:she come :)


min later
darius talk

derwin whisper to katya:are you ok

katya whisper to derwin:yes and sorry for wait honey i was nervous

derwin whisper to katya:hey i was too nervous ok


darius:you both can now kiss

derwin and katya kiss


they make a family photo
and the coleberate

as the done is
and yep derwin and katya are now married
and have a futur
and yep

katwin day (2022-2023)Where stories live. Discover now