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derwin is done and wait katya

raine:have fun need you more snail derwin

derwin:mm i have 30€

raine:mm here that are 20€

derwin:ok thinks nobi

raine:np ^^

katya:i am done :)

derwin:you are so pretty katy

katya:thanks derwi ^^
so bye guys

eda:have fun
and stay not so long ostuside


both go carnival

katya see a black teddy bear

katya:awww derwin look is so cute

derwin:want you have

katya:i don't know

derwin:come on

tibbles:ah hello wecome
here you have to that throw


derwin throw to the cone but not


tibbles:oh want you again

derwin make a death look to tibbles

tibbles 0–0

derwin make fire ball

katya: my boyfriend is not stupid and neither am I we hate cheaters but better watch out derwin is really hurting you ok

tibbles had now scared

tibbles:ok ok here take

derwin:thanks you 😌

derwin take and give

katya cuddles black teddy

katya:so cute 🥺 thanks derwi

oh wait min ^^

derwin broken to tibbles


derwin:oops sorry

derwin go with katya

as hunter and willow

willow:oh what that happen

hunter:no idea
come we go other ^^

willow:ok hunter

both go


derwin and katya had fun and hear a little kid cry

katya:derwin come with the little boy need help
he had are family lost


both go to the little boy

katya:hey why are you cry

little boy:so i want my mommy wait but she is away


katya:what is that a mother

derwin:yeah –_–
hey little  where do you live?

little boy;mm

katya:come show us plz

the little boy from dad:son

little boy:dad

the little boy from dad:thanks titan you ok

derwin:are you

the little boy from dad:yes i am
i think yo hare with your mom

little boy:i am but she is away she say wait here

the little boy from dad:ugh this hh
thanks you so much you both

katya:np ^^

katya give the boy black teddy

katya:here take


katya:i have long from you derwin don't worry ok
take little

the little boy tale teddy

little boy:thank you

katya:np ^^ and plz pay attention your son

the little boy from dad:my wife and i have break up
but i promise son that i you pay attention

little boy:come i to you home

the little boy from dad:yes

the little boy from mom:oh titan

the little boy from dad:you stay away now

the little boy from mom:i

katya: imagine the little boy is kidnapped and today it's cold too imagine he's getting cold and lying on the ground and have to call a healer do you want the little boy to die 

the little boy from mom:no
i i sorry i promise

the little boy from dad:you say always
you date a other tpys

the little boy from dad look the both

the little boy from dad:i hope you both want a great futur think i

derwin:don't worry i and my gf we think what we futur make

katya:mm ^^

the little boy from dad:that is sweet

derwin:my nobi had me and my sister adoptive
i have my mom lost and my dad had me and my mom leave
he life not more and my sister had family lost

the little boy from dad:oh that is sad but glad me that you a good family had

derwin:thanks sir

the little boy from dad carry son:come let go home

the little boy:yay

the little boy from dad look ex wife:i want you not more see again
i want that not happen again

the little boy from step:honey had you him found

the little boy from dad:yes i have

little boy:papa

the little boy from stepdad:hey little are you ok

little boys:yes

the little:thanks you you both

both:np ^^

they go

later derwin and katya go back home

derwin had for katya a warm  chocolate milk



katya:today had fun make


katya:the man had very right

you and me us futur want great make the fanticon and the bard nerd

katya laugh:right ^^

both kiss

katwin day (2022-2023)Where stories live. Discover now