
1 0 0

katya:so why

luz:we can you not say katy

katya:what you meant we luz

luz:ähm  0-0

katya cousin namen damien and hit katya head

katya:ow hey –_–

damien:is a supried you stupid fanticon

damien make again

katya:ugh stop hit me dami

luz:i i think i leave you alone 0-0

luz go

damien:you are pretty cousin
come now we come to late

katya:ok –_–

leave room and go living room

katya:what going on 0-0
Did someone die

all laugh

derwin:no katy no is die ^^

katya go to derwin

katya:me like your look honey

derwin:thanks katy ^^

derwin bows

katya 0///0:d..derwin

derwin: katya we've been together for so long and it's about time will you be my fiancés

katya:yes :D

derwin and katya kiss

all:yeah yuuhu bravo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

amber:i have always wish a sister to have

katya:awww amb

raine:welcome family katya

katya:thanks ^^

and yep derwin and katya are fiancés

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