"I found your Tinder profile," he said with a grin.

        I playfully rolled my eyes before we ended up exchanging lines. We quickly said our goodbyes and he left.

      He was actually a good guy. And it was great that he and Layla went to UCLA too, that way I knew more people there. It had been lonely ever since Jess went to England for New years.

        "Well isn't he some very very good eye candy," my mom remarked when I walked into the house.

        "Mom, seriously!" I said while heading towards the stairs and laughing.

"I was just saying, I wondering when you would bring a nice good looking boy over," she teased.

"He's just a friend," I defended.

"That's a pretty good start," she grinned before going to the kitchen. I laughed before heading up the stairs to my room.

       Moms will always be moms. I reached my room and started my preparations. I had to make sure my outfit is ready and my files are in check. I had submitted my application letter and samples and tomorrow I'd have a mini interview before receiving feedback.

        'I woke up, first thing I took a shot'
       I'm kidding, not under mom's roof. Those where just lyrics from a song by NSG that was playing while I was getting ready.

        Both my older brothers didn't live at home anymore; one was in his University apartment and the other one had in his own house. So it's just mom, dad and I. Once I was ready, I went down to help mom with breakfast. Once it was done, we all sat down to eat. I downed my breakfast in ten minutes because I was so worried I'd be late. Mom scolded me every two minutes of that.

        "You'll do great," Mom said while hugging me after breakfast.

        "Thanks mom, but now I have to rush," I said while pulling away and kissing her cheek.

       "Bye daddy," I said while placing a kiss on my dad's cheek too.

       "All the best princess," I heard my dad say while I grabbed my bag and hurried out the door.

      I got into the Uber waiting for me outside and was at Montanari's LA branch in 30 minutes.

     The receptionist told me to head up to the top floor. Romero was all luxury, cute and decorative, but this place was a whole new level and it's not even the main HQ.

      "Good Royanne," Tamara greeted me when I arrived, "You are just in time. Quinn is in her office, you can head in."

      I thanked her as she ushered me into this large luxurious office suite. Glass occupied one whole side of it, with a lounge area and book area. A massive work table made from wood highlighted the whole room.

     "Good morning Royanne, glad you could make," Quinn said while looking up from her graphic tablet and walked around the table.

It then hit me that I met her boyfriend twice in a span of a week. Despite him claiming to be a bachelor, I hadn't seen any news of them breaking up. But that was not any of my business I guess.

      "Thank you for the opportunity though," I said as she hugged me and kissed both my cheeks. I forgot people from that area of Europe do this.

       "Take a seat," she said and we got down to business. As fun as she was. She was hella intimidating especially with her RBF. At a point it was as if I was saying the wrong things. We actually even joked a bit. Turns out we had similar tastes and opinions.

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