Either way.......... We just skimmed over the topic of my assistant and moved on to the next.

At the end of the night we went to bed together.

"I missed you." He said wrapping his arms around me spooning me. I felt his hard dick against my back.

"I can tell." I whispered.

Without thinking about it too much I spun around and started kissing him. He moaned into my mouth and this only encouraged me farther.

After we finished having sex Eric rolled over and fell asleep.

I laid on my side of the bed deep in thought.

I really enjoyed being with Eric. He was sweet, handsome, funny, good in bed.

But why did this most intimate act that we could do, feel like nothing in comparison to just the slightest touch with Emelia.

The next day we woke up around 11. The two of us got dressed and I made us some brunch. My father asked the house keeper to stock the fridge before we got there so I had plenty of options. I decided on French toast.

After we finished eating we sat on the couch cuddling and watching tv.

Things were so easy with Eric. Yes the long distance has sucked but that will only be for another 2 months.......... 2 months that I'll spend with Emelia.

Thinking about Emelia while I was cuddling into Eric's side made me feel so guilty. I just tried to kiss her 3 days ago.

"Eric." I said looking up at him.

He looked down at me and brushed some hair out of my face. "Yes babe."

Do I need to tell him? Would it just make things worse?

"I kissed a girl."

He stared at me for a moment then grinned.

"Hot." He laughed "next time invite me."

"Stop it." I punched his arm and laughed with him.

He wasn't upset at all. Was it because he didn't feel threatened? Should I tell him about the circumstances of the kiss?


It doesn't matter now. I choose Eric.

"I'm gonna go get ready for my meeting." I kissed him then got off the couch.

"Okay babe. I'll be here." He shrugged then turned back to the TV.

I ran up to the master bedroom then leaned against the door after I closed it.

Eric seemed to think that my kiss with Emelia was just friendly. I mean sure I've kissed girls before at parties as a dare or playing spin the bottle but there was never any feelings involved.

My intentions with Emelia were anything but innocent when I tried to kiss her. I initiated it....... Granted the kiss lasted a second in that black mustang before she pushed me away.

It was enough though. Enough to know I wanted to feel her lips on mine again. Enough to make me crave her attention in hopes that she'd like me back. Enough to try to kiss her again.

That one second kiss had more passion than the thousands of kisses I've shared with Eric.

But I summed it up to Eric as "I kissed a girl."

I brought my hands up to my face and covered my eyes.

It's just a physical attraction. Nothing more.

I uncovered my eyes and stood up straight.

What Eric and I have is so much more. I finalized my thought process then took a long shower.

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