That caught his attention, and he took a look at the armor the knight wore. It was not like any knight's armor he'd ever seen, but it was crafted with ancient techniques, nothing that people today would use. So he immediately recognized it as not from here, aka, from the fog. Pulling out his phone, he texted Kirishima:

Hey, can you come to the nurse's office for a sec?

The redhead responded: Sure!

It was at this time that Izuku was glad that Nezu had halted Hero student's non-combat classes. He understood preparation was key. It wasn't long until Kirishima entered, and Recovery Girl went back to her work, leaving behind the newspaper. He pulled up a chair, but then realized the small metal thing wouldn't hold his weight in his new body. Sheepishly, he smiled. "Hey, what did you need?"
"I want to give you a test. None of the others are ready, and I need to know if what I'm doing is good enough... so I want you to go to Ako. A fogbound killer has taken up residence there."

He recognized the name, and wondered. "Ako? Isn't that where that new serial killer is?"
Unfortunately for Kirishima, that was exactly the case. And his dread was indeed realized. "Yeah, that's them."
He deadpanned. "They're a group."
"Kirishima... we need them gone. I can't go because altering your classmates is very taxing, and I am bad against multiple threats. Your quirk works?"

He nodded, proving it to the boy by hardening his arm in clear view. "Yeah, no problems."
"Good." Izuku nodded. "Besides, I need the data, whether to take it further, or if your augmentations are enough. If it's enough, then I can make more, quicker. So please..."

"I will." Kirishima agreed, understanding perfectly. "You have your reasons."

"Thank you." He was relieved, only for a moment before he fell asleep, thoroughly exhausted by the Auris.

The redhead stood up and left, looking back for a second before exiting the room. He now had a test, and was going to perform it well.

Sadako manifested through the TV in the common room.

People were busy, and many didn't notice her arrival

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People were busy, and many didn't notice her arrival. That was good. The way she wanted it, as she demanifested immediately and searched for Izuku. Searching through the campus, she found him in the infirmary wing, she used her telekinesis to move a blanket over him. Carefully placing a kiss on his forehead, she ran a hand through his hair before leaving. She knew what she had to do.

Reiko followed silently behind her mask. It had brought her to a place she did not understand. A forest of birch, with no leaves. It shifted every few feet, and she almost had to run to keep up. The terrain was hilly, and very difficult to navigate. Her breathing ragged, she now had to climb upwards. Catching her breath, she searched for a way up, and decided on the least risky approach. Scaling carefully, the pale girl made sure to have a perfect grip every step of the way. Almost at the top, her hand gripped the rock... but then crumbled as she pulled herself further. Starting to fall, her eyes widened as a shadow solidified and gripped her wrist, saving the girl and pulling her up. She knew it belonged to her current puppeteer, but she was still thankful regardless. When she was lifted above the plateau's edge, she was then let go, landing with impact onto the forest floor. Carefully getting to her feet, she took in her environment, turning her head to see everything, as he had implied they arrived. It was a clearing, with the Operator symbol in the middle. This place seemed charged with energy, both dark and light. Why come here?


Confused, she waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't. Instead, the shadows deepened, and the trees glowed slightly, before the symbol, etched in the ground, darkened.


She obeyed, not that she could resist. Standing in the center, energy swirled around her, and entered the pale girl's body. Unknown strength grew, and she could feel something new. New abilities, to compliment her own. It was a gift for a puppet from its master. She would accept it, for now. After all, what else could she do?

All she could do was wait and see what would happen...

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