Chapter 6

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I walked down the empty halls, and every time I would take a step, it would echo. 

I kicked open the door to Sebastian's office, not bothering to knock. I put on my resting bitch face and entered the office. 

I noticed the two tall ass men in the corner of the office. Both were wearing expensive suits and screaming power. They had an aura of confidence and authority. The two men looked like they could take on the world with their fists. They were sitting in the two chairs in the back of the office. But in reality, they didn't have to lift a finger. Their strength was just an illusion.

The man on the left wore a dark blue suit, a white dress shirt, and an expensive-looking watch. You could see the wrinkles on his face if you looked close enough, but he didn't look that old at first glance. He's probably about 46-47. 

He has short brown hair with a few gray strands mixed in. His eyes are a deep shade of blue, like an ocean.

The other man on the right looked younger, about 23-24, probably his son considering the similarities. A muscular build and tattoos peeking out of his collar. He wears a black suit with a black tie, a white button-up shirt, and a fancy watch. His hair is kind of long and wavy, cut in layers all over his head, but slicked back. His eyes are deep green, like a forest, almost like mine but darker. 

According to the information Luca sent me, the older man is my father, Francesco Elliot Romano and the younger man is my eldest brother, Dimitri Diletta Romano.

Realizing it has been a few seconds too long of me staring at them, I turned my gaze from them to Sebastian. I walked up to his desk and pull out the chair I sat in previously when I found out about my biological family.

I could still feel their stares, analyzing me.

I mean, can I blame them? I am a hot, bad bitch.

With my beautiful luscious brown hair, gorgeous light green eyes, and slightly tanned skin, I'm a walking, talking Greek goddess come to life, right?

Who wouldn't anybody stare?

In front of me, Sebastian cleared his throat, which brought their attention to him.

"Enola this is your father, Francesco Romano, and your older brother, Dimitri Romano. Mr. Romano this is your daughter, Enola." 

Did he have to introduce us? I mean, Dimitri and I basically look like twins, except for the eyes. Anybody could tell we are related.

"We have missed you, mia figlia." said my father. (my daughter)

"I can't say the same," I replied. They looked shocked, angry, and hurt, but as soon as those emotions came, they vanished. They put their cold façade up again. But it was too late, I had already seen a bit of their sympathetic side, and with that I was satisfied. For now.

Ah, look at the emotionless Mafia men being hurt by a few words from their daughter and sister. 

But, really, what did they expect? I run to them and start crying, going on and on about how much I missed the family I didn't even know I had.

"Anyway, Enola you will be moving to Italy with them, as that is where they reside," said Sebastian, nervously.

I nodded.

My father and brother got up and started heading toward the door. 

"Let's go to your house so you can take your stuff." said my older brother, Dimitri.

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Me right now:

Me right now:

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I am so sorry! I know I haven't posted in a while. I had planned to post before but something occurred. I had to go deal with some family things.

Do you play an instrument? What is it?

I am learning how to play the guitar. 

Word Count: 710

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