Chapter 2

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This idiot is blabbering about multivariable calculus. It seems like even he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Why do I have to listen to him? I have already learned this.

"Multivariable calculus is the extension of calculus in one variable to calculus with functions of several variables: the differentiation and integration of functions involving several variables, rather than just one. Multivariable calculus may be thought of as an elementary part of advanced calculus."

How the hell did he go from showing us how to solve a multivariable calculus problem to telling us the definition?

I groaned loudly.

Ring Ring Ring

Oh god, thank you. I don't think I could stay in this class anymore. I got up and started to push my way through the students.

"Hey! You can't do that!"

The first-year student who yelled at me was named Horace. He was a short boy with curly brown hair and was always wearing glasses. We had been in the same class for three years now.

He was always stuck on himself and kept trying to make friends with people he wasn't close with. The problem was that it never worked out because his personality didn't match what other people expected from him.

"Oh, shut up Horace." I scowled.

"You need to wait for your turn." He yelled back.

I ignored him and started walking toward my next class. AP Physics.

I walked in and sat next to the window. Listening to the soft chirps of birds and students rustling to get to their seats.

"Is it just me or is anyone else getting hungry?" A boy asked.

"Yeah." Another replied. "When do we eat again?"

"We have lunch right after this," a girl said as she pulled out her textbook.

The teacher started lecturing us about the production and distribution of writing. I stared through the window at the birds flying around freely. 

I was so busy in my thoughts I didn't hear the teacher yelling my name.

I looked up and waited for her to repeat what she had just said. "The principal has called for you in his office."

I hadn't taken anything out of my backpack so I picked it up and made my way to the principal's office.

What does this bastard want from me now? It can't be about the boy I beat up or threatened since that was last week.

I had been in a bad mood since calculus, so this bitch better not piss me off. I opened the door and asked, "What do you want Sebastian? Is it about me beating up that Jack dude or threatening Sam?"

"You did wh- you know what, never mind. You are not in trouble, Enola." He said while I went add sat into one of his uncomfortable office chairs. "So, umm, your parents were found in your house, dead. They had a drug overdose. I'm sorry for your loss." Sebastian said with pity in his eyes.

What?!? Those bastards couldn't wait a few months, huh? But I am glad they are dead.

"So, I will be put into foster again, huh? I mean, it's okay." Sebastian looked up at me in shock. He probably expected me to start crying dramatically. "Umm, no you will go to Italy and move in with your father and brothers," he said.

What the hell?!?!

"No, no, you must be mistaken. I am an orphan. My family is dead." I said.

"As it turns out, they were not dead. They are very well alive." Sebastian said. You got to be fucking kidding me.

"This is Maya, your social worker," said Sebastian.

"Hi", Maya said with a little wave.

What the fuck is going on?

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I know it is a short chapter. Sorry! I didn't have a lot of time to write it.

I hope something good happens to you today!


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What is your favorite season?

I think spring.



Word Count: 689

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