28. The Youngblood touch

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"I couldn't do it! Not now, " she told him truthfully.

He leant his head to the side, looking all quizzical at her. As he remembered the talk he had had with Billy, he felt a chill travel up his spine

"But why not?" he asked bluntly, felling like a total ass as he did.

"It's not Brad's! " Cassie said shortly.

Kyle's face fell completely and he blinked a few times as the words registered in his mind.

Not Brad's! Not Brad's!

Then he snapped his head up and looked at her with wide eyes.

"It's not?"

Shaking her head she motioned with her hand at the car.

"No! Can we please leave now?"

Kyle shook himself from his stupor and immediately held the door open for her once again.

"Of course, right away!"

As Cassie took her place on the passenger side, Kyle ran to the driver side and jumped in, starting the car.

The drive to Cassie's new apartment didn't take long, but to Kyle it felt like ages to get there. She wasn't really talkative at all, even though he had tried to break the ice more than once, so he gave it up all together. Her new apartment was located smack in the middle of town, and Kyle knew that Billy had something to do with it.

It was not over the top or anything, but never the less, the location alone just reeked of the Youngblood touch.

Every now and then he took a peek in the rear-view mirror to check traffic, and as often he checked to the side, seeing her stare with her morose look out through the window.

As he finally reached her building, Kyle hit the brakes and the car came to a stop by the curb.

"Don't bother to get out, " Cassie said quickly and pulled the handle down on the door and opened it, "I can get out by myself!"

Keeping his mouth shut, Kyle just nodded back to her, giving her a warm smile over his shoulder.

"Bye Kyle!" she said and closed the door.

"Bye Cassandra, " Kyle mumbled as he stepped on the gas and steered the car out in traffic again.

Holy mother of God! Now as he had dropped Cassie off, he had to call Billy right away.

~ ~ ~

With heavy steps, Cassie walked into her building and took the elevator up to her apartment.

After that heavy swing at Brad, Lisa had like a magician managed to make this apartment appear out of thin air for her to move to, although Cassie could bet her last dollar that it was Theo who was the sorcerer behind the whole appearing thing. She did not like it, not one bit.

But as things were now, she just had to suck it up and glue a fake smile to her face whenever they were around. Gah, how lame she felt about it.

When she got inside, she just dropped her jacket in a heap on the floor and sat down by the kitchen table.

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