Almost Alone

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Prince Lloyd lay in his room, hanging off the bed upside-down. His father would scold him for not sitting up straight, if his father was watching him currently.

Don't get him wrong. He loved his father, but he was way too controlling. His father loved him back, and he proved it as best as he could. But his father never let him slack off in any way.

A knock sounded on his door. "Lloyd? Are you up?"

Lloyd gasped and fell off the bed. Making a thump and scrambling to stand. "Yeah! You can, uh, may, come in." He wasn't dressed. But he was sure he'd be fine.

King Garmadon walked into the room as two guards opened the door for him. "Good morning Lloyd. Did you sleep well?"

Lloyd smiled. "I did. Did you?"

Garmadon grinned at his son. "Better than I have in a while. Thank you for asking."

"Of course. I know you haven't been."

The king nodded. "Yeah. Anyways son, your body guard will be here soon. He is going to take you to the field for sword fighting practice."

Lloyd was about to correct his father about his body guard, telling his name. But Lloyd wasn't supposed to be close to the people who worked for them. "Alright. Is there anything else I will be doing today?"

"You do have your schooling today. But that will be after your sword practice." Garmadon said.

Lloyd nodded. "Well, I was wondering, actually, if it would be okay for me to go to the Palace Gardens?"

Garmadon looked at his son. "I don't know Lloyd."

"Please father? It's not often I get free time anymore." Lloyd asked, pleading.

Garmadon looked over his son. Then he sighed. "You can go to the gardens after practice for an hour. Then you have to do your schooling."

Lloyd grinned and gave his father a hug. "Thank you dad!"

Garmadon hugged his son back. "Of course son. Now. You best get dressed and ready for the day."

The door opened and Lloyd's bodyguard entered. "Sir Savage, reporting for duty!"

Lloyd tried to keep himself from getting excited at the sight of his one and only friend.

Garmadon started to walk out of the room. He turned to the young guard. "Keep my son safe soldier."

"I shall do it till I die Your Magesty!" The young guard said loudly.

Garmadon nodded, and walked out of the room. The door closed behind the king and the two teenagers looked at each other.

"You can take the helmet off now silly." Lloyd smiled.

Savage chuckled, taking it off and holding the helmet in his hands. Lloyd's body guard had blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. "You say that as if you missed seeing my face. Aren't you not supposed to get close to anybody Your Highness?"

"Maybe so, but I see no problem with you." Lloyd said. He walked over to his wardrobe to get in his sparring uniform. He grabbed it in its fancy green color and put it on his changing curtain.

"You can be sure that I have no intention to hurt you sir."

Lloyd tossed his pajamas over the curtain. "Please Ethan. You can call my by my name when we're alone. You're my only friend and I frankly don't care for titles."

"Alright Lloyd. I just don't want to get fired. You'd be a very bored person if you didn't have me." Ethan laughed.

Lloyd walked out from behind the curtain in his fighting clothes. "You're right. At this point, your friendship is the one thing keeping me sain."

Serving the Sea (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora