Backdrop for Adventure

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Captain Jay Walker awoke before the sun rose above the horizon as usual. He always believed a good captain should always be up before his crew was.

He tossed on proper clothes and his boots before stepping out of his cabin. Heading out, the ship was still on course for Jalunai Village.

Jay looked at the wheel. Zane was steering, focused on the sea ahead. Jay walked up the stairs to his friend. "Did you pilot by yourself all night?"

Zane nodded. "Yeah. I wouldn't have slept much anyways."

"Yeah, I understand. How's your hand? Does it still hurt? I know it was bugging you last night." Jay said.

"It doesn't bother me currently, but I should have Dani change the bandage before we make port. Speaking of which, we should arrive shortly after sunrise."

Jay gave a singular nod. "Thank you."

Zane looked at him. "What are you thanking me for?"

"Just being the voice of reason, and the smart one. And for following me on my crazy adventures." Jay smiled.

"Of course. Not like there's much I can do. I suppose I could be a lazy bum that you refuse to get rid of." Zane chuckled.

Jay grinned wider. "That is true." He patted his friend on the shoulder. "But you aren't. And you're one of the best workers. I understand that you may not want to, but you should try and get a few winks of sleep later."

"Perhaps I will at some time. But for now, I will get us to Jalunai, and then get ready to continue and make plans for wherever." Zane said.

"Alright then. I shall start doing something productive." Jay said. He walked down back to the deck. Looking over the water, there was trash.

He grabbed the net from the deck and tossed it over top a heap of junk. He reeled it in and brought it aboard. It would make little difference cleaning just a small bit. But he didn't mind.

He did this as crew members showed up, ready for the day. He got many nods and good mornings. The man in the crows nest soon called for land.

Jay had sorted the trash from the driftwood and was now stuffing each group into a mesh bag.

Zane docked the boat and they set down the plank. Jay got one of the crew to take the trash bag to a proper disposal site, while he took the wood in hopes to sell it.

Dani stood next to Jay before they left the Bounty. "Zane is going to stay on the deck and clean. I hope you don't mind, but I took some money for more medical supplies."

Jay smiled, holding the bag of wood over his shoulder. "I don't care. I trust you plenty enough."

Jay turned to the crew. "We're staying the night fellas! But check in every four hours, and we close the ship after sunset."

The crew shouted their understanding and Jay walked down the ramp. The crew rushed past him. Jay made his way to the marketplace.

It was busy, as most shop places were. Jalunai was also a very large kingdom. So it was sure to have a lot going on.

He looked for a place to sell the driftwood. He found a woodshop and talked to the person at the front. "Hello. I have a bunch of driftwood, and I was wondering if I could sell it for something."

The dude looked it over. "I can sell it for firewood. I'll give you 100 for it all."

Jay nodded. "Deal."

The man took the wood and plopped a bag of money on the counter, which Jay took with a thank you. He walked around the market, looking at what they had. He still had to buy supplies. More food, rope, and nets.

Serving the Sea (In Progress/Paused) -NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now