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Still your pov :

I can't sleep after what I saw but something was weird I felt like someone was watching me and I got up from bed and went to balcony just to recieve fresh air but I got a notification from unknown number which said "Doll ! Don't go out now it'll be dangerous for you , go back to sleep "

I can't sleep after what I saw but something was weird I felt like someone was watching me and I got up from bed and went to balcony just to recieve fresh air but I got a notification from unknown number which said "Doll ! Don't go out now it'll b...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

TF !! I'M NOT DOLL OR ANYTHING WHOEVER SENT THIS MUST BE SOMETHING OR MESSAGED WRONG NUMBER .....(calm down lady) but still I felt scared so I didn't go out and I started to text Kang telling I got an unknown creep message and etc .....

she just comforted me and I finally went to sleep....

Next day >>

Huh !! another day , same shit !! (morning curse)

On the way to university, I again saw that , the same black masked thing (zizi) NOT again mannnnnnn!!!!...I started to run till I reach my class without even looking back [but little didn't know someone was watching your everymove].

Kang was so so shocked to hear as I said but I saw a message same from the unknown number.

Now I'm scared I showed the message even to Kang she's scared too , we don't have any clue who's sending those messages , what they need from me and WTF !! IM SCARED NOW-

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Now I'm scared I showed the message even to Kang she's scared too , we don't have any clue who's sending those messages , what they need from me and WTF !! IM SCARED NOW-

Someone's Pov :

As I texted y/n I told Zizi to watch her every move everytime and he nodded. Zizi is my pet (Maybe a ghost pet sir!!) And I'm his master . I saw her, I liked it when others get scared but why it's paining when y/n is scared .....(Ohhh Someone's in lobeee) and I want to protect her at any cost. 

Author pov :

It's been a week since y/n got text from that strange number . She was asusual and minding her own business when Kang called and said she will be coming to her apartment and she'll stay with her till Monday.  Y/n got excited and She has to buy groceries for them. As she was going to her apartment from work , so she can take more money and buy things but unexpectedly something was not right for her.

When she was at her apartment she saw a big bag infront of her apartment and now she's afraid more . At the same time she heard a ding on her phone (ding_dong). THAT MESSAGE FROM THAT PERSON .....

Zizi ???? Is that an animal or something??? y/n thought but now she's scared to hell because she didn't even tell anything nor told Kang but how ??? Did someone is reading her mind or something???? She got confused and scared to pick that bag

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Zizi ???? Is that an animal or something??? y/n thought but now she's scared to hell because she didn't even tell anything nor told Kang but how ??? Did someone is reading her mind or something???? She got confused and scared to pick that bag . What if there is something that can attack or something.... after a war she took and went inside of her apartment and she got freshen up and by the same time Kang also came . They were chatting alot and They ate that food from the unknown person and slept- [But little did they know the unknown person was watching and smiling that she obeyed his orders.]

Ahhh Guys !!!! It maybe a short one and I was sleepy too . So I just wrote that much and comment if you have any ideas with this story ^^ ...

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