'Say something positive

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'Say something positive. Say something positive!' I thought to myself.

"Hey, Deku! Nice costume!" Uraraka said. She ran up to Midoriya. I struggled not to laugh as he blushed madly at her costume. "I should've written what I wanted. I ended up getting a skin-tight bodysuit." Uraraka said, embarrassed. The purple guy was standing nearby.

"I love this school." he said. I overheard and turned to him.

"Think it, don't say it." I said.

"Where's the fun in that?" the purple guy replied. I grimaced in disgust and turned my attention to All Might.

"Fantastic costumes! You all look like real Heroes, now! Now, I'll explain the objective and the rules." All Might said. To summarize, we were all assigned to teams of two. One team would be picked to be Heroes, the other would be Villains. Villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme. If the Heroes capture the Villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win. If the Villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the Heroes, they win. All Might drew lots for who would go first.

1st match:
Midoriya & L/N (Heroes)
Bakugo & Iida (Villains)

"Alright, let's show everybody what we can do."  I said, grinning. I could tell Midoriya was thinking something completely different. Probably something along the lines of, 'We're gonna die.' Bakugo and Iida entered the building first. We entered a few minutes later.

"Okay. If I were a giant bomb, where would I be?" Midoriya mumbled.

"Hiroshima, in 1945." I replied, sarcastically. Midoriya turned to me with an expression of horror.

"That's horrible." he said.

"But true." I replied, calmly. Bakugo suddenly came around the corner. Midoriya tackled me to the ground, but Bakugo's attack hit him. Half of his mask was blown away.

"Go! Find the bomb!" Midoriya yelled. I was about to object, but Midoriya caught Bakugo's next attack and shoulder swung him to the ground. I left them to their battle and continued my search.

'Midoriya catalogs the strengths and weaknesses of peoples' quirks, as a hobby. And he grew up with Bakugo. He probably has notes on his fighting style, too. He can handle himself. I've got my own opponent to worry about.' I thought. I found the room with the bomb. I activated my shock gloves only to get totally blitzed by Iida. He slammed into me and sent me into the wall. I got up and tried to graze Iida with my shock gloves. But he went passed me and swept one of my legs out from under me.

"You're defeated! Now to wrap you with the capture tape!" Iida said, running.

"Alright, now I'm pissed!" I shouted. I did a kip up, putting me on my feet. I reached in my overcoat and pulled out a black pistol from under my arm. "Rubber bullets, I swear!" I screamed, aiming.

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