The woman retracts her hand.

"Guess we'll be seeing more of each other. Chaeyoung."

She shrugs off the robe, letting it pool to the floor. She isn't wearing anything underneath and Chaeyoung feels heat flood her body as the woman saunters away, casting a lingering glance over her shoulder as she goes.

"I'm Jennie, by the way."

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

Chaeyoung likes to think of herself as a progressive person.

She believes in sex positivity and women having full autonomy over their bodies without enduring the indignity of slut-shaming. That it's possible for those employed as sex workers to make an informed choice without experiencing exploitation and to be supported unconditionally as strong, independent women. But on another level, she finds this whole shoot deeply sketchy.

The only things that make her feel better about her involvement are the fact that, aside from Hyunsuk and Teddy, the cast and crew are all female and there are strict rules in place for the performers: nobody does anything they're uncomfortable with; everyone got screened to make sure they were clean of STIs before production began, and sexual contact with boyfriends or girlfriends or extracurriculars with co-stars while filming is forbidden.

Still, she's struggling to reconcile her feelings about it when beside her Hyunsuk is barking instructions in the crudest of terms.

Jennie isn't making things any easier for Chaeyoung's ethical turmoil. Because, objectively speaking, Jennie is hot. Not in a stereotypical, plasticky, Barbie doll kind of way. She's slim but curvy; she has naturally full breasts and wide hips and actual hair between her legs. As in, a decent coverage of dark brunette waves. Chaeyoung hates herself for noticing but it's impossible to pry her eyes away because, honestly, she hasn't had sex since left to go to grad school last fall and there's a very naked, very attractive woman being enthusiastically eaten out in front of her.

It also doesn't help that Jennie keeps making totally inappropriate eye contact with her.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

"So how was your first day?"

Chaeyoung looks up from the iPad, where she's been making notes about tomorrow's shooting schedule, to see Jennie approaching. Mercifully, she's fully clothed—an oversize black band t-shirt hanging off one shoulder, tight blue skinny jeans, and beat-up motorcycle boots. The purple strap of her bra is visible and Chaeyoung's eyes stray to it for a second.

"Fine. I only feel like punching Hyunsuk ninety percent of the time."

"He's a real charmer." There's a lull where they both just look at each other then Jennie tilts her head. "Some of us are going for drinks downtown. Wanna come?"

Chaeyoung has a paper to write for Friday, not to mention a huge basket of laundry to get through, but the (hopeful?) smile on Jennie's face makes her hesitate. "Who's us?"

"Jisoo, Irene, her boyfriend Suho."

Chaeyoung blinks. "Boyfriend."

Not an hour ago she'd witnessed Irene going down on another woman like it was second nature.

"Just because she exclusively does girl-on-girl doesn't mean she's gay." Jennie shrugs. "Suho doesn't like her doing scenes with guys."

"Let me guess. It doesn't count as real sex if there isn't a penis involved." Chaeyoung's sarcasm sounds overly aggressive, even to her own ears. She doesn't know why she's riled up. It's really none of her goddamn business.

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