Choosing Side

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Request: Yes

Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader

You didn't know how words could have so much effect on someone

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You didn't know how words could have so much effect on someone. You knew Jay was still partnered with Hailey at work -even though they had broken up a year ago, and you've been dating Jay for 7 months-.

You weren't normally the insecure type. But with this, it was different, she took any and every opportunity to put you down -of course when Jay wasn't around-.

For the most part you tried to ignore those comments and be the bigger person, but somethings they stayed with you.

You were very sweet and didn't like to cause problems, always thinking about other people -in this case Jay-, you didn't want him to have to choose.

Because some part of you still thought he loved her and would choose her if he had the chance.

You were supposed to meet Jay on Molly's to chat with him and his team -he had texted you, that he was running a bit late-, so climbing out of your car you were stopped by none other than Hailey's voice.

"Well look who it is" you closed your eyes taking a deep breath before turning to her, a fake smile on yours

"Hailey..." you said looking around for Jay, nowhere to be seen

"So did Jay dump you yet?" this made you tense your jaw, before breathing a laugh,

"Can we not do this right now?" you asked starting to walk away

"What are you on now?" she asked you crossing her arms over her chest, you copying her stance.

"Hailey every time we see each other is like high school again, hint you're the bully" you said

"I don't need to bully you Y/N. You do that to yourself. But it helps that I know things" she fired back

"He's with me Hailey. You guys have been broken up for a year, don't you think it's time you get a life"

"Bit me Y/N. You and I both know if I wanted him back, he would come running back to me"

That sentence right there, she knew how to make you go from confident to an insecure teenager in the split of a second.

"You're delusional. You wish he would" you started walking again just to be stopped by Hailey blocking your way

"Am I? Let's ask him which side would he take, huh? Yours or mine?" your strong façade almost breaking -she knew what she was doing-

"Don't. He doesn't..." se cut you off.

"You're right he doesn't. The problem here it's you! You're a horrible person, look at her she thinks she's untouchable, but she's just scared and insecure"

"Stop..." your voice broke a little

"You can't even give him kids. Wake up and walk away..." she raised her voice at you

Unknown to you Jay had just parked a couple of cars down and he was listening to the conversations, stone cold look on his face.

At the last part spoken by Hailey he started walking towards the both of you,

"You're making a fool of yourself..." she stopped looking over your shoulder, wide eyed.

Just then you felt an arm wrapping around your waist.

"Don't ever talk to or about her. Ever. Again"

"You can't be serious..." Jay took a step forward to stand in front of you.

"Walk away!" he said sternly at her, making her bit the inside of her cheek,

"Fine... have fun let's see how far it goes" she said before walking away towards Molly's front door.

You rushed back to your car closing your door. Hearing the door close made Jay hurry to your window tapping on it,

"Y/N, baby. Don't listen to her, okay?" you shook your head, tears in your eyes,

"Beautiful. Don't, not like this..." you saw the pleading look he gave you.

But you couldn't talk to him right now, you were sure you would break

"Fuck..." he muttered as he watch your car drive away, following behind you a couple of minutes after.

Arriving at your apartment, you ran straight to your room and sat on the bed.

You tried so hard not to cry and be strong, but here you were.

You heard your bedroom door open, so you turned your back to it,

"It's not true, I don't want her back. I won't go back to her ever. I would always take your side. Y/N, please baby you have to believe me."

Your back still faced him and it was taking everything in Jay not to wrap you in his arms.

"You're the best thing in my life. My wife. Through thick and thin, we made that vow, I love you too much to let you go..." silently crying, you turned around to face him.

He was still standing at the door frame, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable and giving you space.

At your sight Jay's heart dropped -puffy eyes, red nose and cheeks-.

"I know Jay, but she went there" you answered sniffing

He nodded his head, eyes pleading. But he wouldn't blame you.

After all Hailey took it too far and he was still questioning how she knew about your troubles with conceiving.

You looked straight into his eyes, afraid to ask,

"Did you tell her?" your voice broke, Jay furrow his eyebrows at the question.

No matter what he told you he knew this was the detail that roomed your mind.

"No..." he whispered, taking a step towards you,

"I- I'm pregnant..." you breath out, looking at him with a worried expression.

His eyes widen before he look at your stomach -now you were definitely scared-.

He walked towards you careful steps, standing right in front of your sitting figure looking down at you.

"What?" he asked above a whisper,

"I'm pregnant, Jay" his face soften, and a teary smile broke in his face which made you let a smile of relieve.

Bending down, now he was looking up at you, tears in his eyes while he placed a hand on your stomach.

You smiled back watching him lean in and kiss your nonexistent baby bump,

"Hey buddy... it's dad. I'm so happy and I can't wait to meet you..." then he looked at you,

"I knew you could do it. Didn't I tell you?" he said making you cup both his cheeks and give him a teary kiss, one he returned without second thought.

"Yes, you did"

"I can't wait to meet him..."

"Him? You don't know what's going to be" you chuckled brushing Jay's tears, while he smirked,

"Oh- I know what I made..." both of you falling into a fit of laughter.

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