Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

Just a few seconds ago, he told them that the girl looks terrified when she saw them. Trying to take her by force would only terrified her more. He feels confused why he suddenly feel the need to protect the girl, when he didn't even know who she is or even her name.

-Come With Us-

3rd P.O.V

This time, everyone is involved and not just Levi's squad. They don't know how strong the girl is. They don't know if the girl is alone or there are other people with her. The only thing on their mind was to have back ups, in case something went wrong during their mission to get the girl inside the wall.

"Everyone ready?" Erwin said. Everyone yelled out that they are ready. Erwin nods his head in satisfaction. He gestures everyone to get moving.

Levi is still a bit hesitant about forcefully capturing the mysterious girl. But he knew he have no choice, because the majority of the Survey Corps agrees on getting the girl captured and taken in within the walls. The least he can do is make sure they won't hurt the girl. He still didn't know what makes him care about the girl he barely know.


"Question, Captain Erwin..." one of the squad member said after moving on the horse in silence. The said captain turn his attention to him. He nods his head, signaling the cadet that he can ask the question. "Thank you... um. H-How are y-you planning to find this girl? If she's real that is... in a place this huge?" He asked. His comment earns a glare from Levi.

"What do you mean 'if she's real'? Are you saying that me and my cadets only imagine the girl's existence?" He said. His voice sounded low and calm. But his face shows how irritated he felt about the cadet's question. The cadet gulps after noticing the intense look in Levi's eyes.

"N-No, Captain Levi. I... I was just curious. H-How c-can anyone. Let alone... a girl. Survive out here" he said. Levi just click his tongue in annoyance at what the cadet just said.

"Captain!" Someone from Levi's squad said. Everyone turn their heads to the source. The girl points towards a certain direction. They follow where she's pointing to see a horde of titans.

"Damn... there's too many of them" Levi muttered under his breath. He turns to look at his cadets. "Fight carefully. Do not let the incident from before happen again" he said. He get off the horse back and shoot forward with his tech.

But before he could attack the titans. Someone swoops in and kills them swiftly. The person lands gracefully on a building not far from where he's standing after killing all the remaining titans. Levi's eyes widened when the girl turn around to look at him. He quickly realize it was the same girl as before.

"Is that her?" Erwin said, as he and the rest of the squads gathers on that same roof. Levi just nods his head, eyes still on the girl. Erwin hums and turns to look at the girl. "Who are you? What's your name?" He asked.

The girl turn her head to look at him, but she didn't say a word. Her silence make Erwin irritated. Her eyes moves to the side as she notices something moving. She lift her free hand, pointing towards the direction.

Levi and the others turns their heads to where the girl is pointing to see a titan standing right next to them. They turn panicked and quickly jumps off the roof, just as the titan reaches out to grab them. But one guy isn't so lucky as the titan manages to catch him. He let out a scream as he claws on the titan's hand, hoping he would break free.

"No! Help! Help me!!" He yelled out, turning to the girl with his hand outstretched out of fear. The girl gives him a cold gaze. But she jumps forward and swiftly pulls out her sword, cutting the titan on its nape.

Suddenly, another titan appears and grabs the girl who's in mid-air. The titan quickly bites onto her arm. A blood-curling scream breaks through the air. But before the titan can bite the girl again, Levi swoops in and kills the titan. The girl is falling to the ground at a rapid speed. Eren is quick to jump forward and catches the girl.

Hanji quickly rushes towards the girl with bandages. She quickly wraps the bandage around the girl's bitten arm. The girl keeps letting out pained cry, as she hold onto her arm.

"She's losing a lot of blood. We have to hurry up and bring her back to the base or she won't make it!" Hanji said, turning to the others. Levi walks forward and pick the girl up in his arms. He head towards his horse and place the girl there. He climbs up after her and holds the girl close. He turns to look at the others who just stares at him.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "What're you all waiting for? Come on! We have to hurry. We can't waste any time or she will die!" He said. Everyone snap out of their daze and scatter to their own horses. Everyone instantly urges their horses to get moving.


Levi rushes the girl to the infirmary so the medic can work on treating her severed arm. He leans his back against the wall as he waits for any news. He didn't know why, but seeing the dying girl as he held her in his arm is terrifying. The sight of her pained expression make his heart feels uneasy. 

Not long after the door opens. Levi and Erwin turns their gaze towards Hanji. "Its no use... the girl died before we are able to do much" she said. Levi let out a sigh and run his hand across his face, while Erwin let out a few curses under his breath.

They froze when the heart monitor starts to beep again. They turn their heads to the see the girl sitting up, staring at them with a cold gaze. Her once bitten arm have healed and even grow a new arm. The three of them stares at her in shock. All of them thought of the same thing...

What is she?

*to be continued*

Demi-Human (Levi Ackerman X Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें