A Cup of Coffee For Your Head

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❝ I thought that we would be each other's end;
never thought that it was me who will end. ❞

"Don't sleep yet, 'kay?" said by the most beautiful woman of my universe. Her natural colored hair is glistening through the light of the 4 o'clock in the afternoon sun. I can't help but check her out. Her perfect eyebrows, her brown almond-shaped eyes, her long lashes, her noses that are sharper than my brain, and her lips that I used to kiss. God, I will miss her.

"Of course, I won't," I confidently answered which made her chuckle.

"Yeah, right. Your coffee's ready."

"Um, thanks. Just let it get a little colder before I take a sip."

She smiled and put my cup of coffee on the bedside table, "Can't drink it hot now?" she teased.

"Still can. I am just afraid that I'll get hotter than the coffee." I joked.

"Uh-huh. Still the boastful Ally that I know."

"Nah. Just stating the obvious," I said confidently.

She scoffed and said, "Obvious it is. Tsk. Tsk."

"I can't believe you used sarcasm on me," I chuckled. "You used to call my name every time I play during intramurals."

She shrugged her shoulders while smiling at me. I just watched her as she took steps towards the seat beside my bed and sat there, beside me, looking at me. Ah, I feel like I can die now.

Not long, there are events continuously flashing in my head. It was us, she and I, wearing our wedding clothes. Me, crying in front of the aisle while watching her walking in her shimmering long, white dress and holding a bunch of white and red roses. Me, playing with our kids while she prepares for our dinner. Me, sitting at the front poarch with her while watching our children and grandchildren enjoying each other's company. It was the mediocre me, imagining myself spending the rest of my lives with her.

"Hey, still there, Aly?" I snapped back to reality when I heard her voice. "I could melt anytime with that kind of stare." she joked.

Ah, my wild imagination at its finest. Again.

I shook my head, "I was just mesmerized by your beauty, Bea."

She looked away and said, "Stop it. It's not funny."

"Fine, fine. But I won't take it back. You're truly a beauty." I smiled.

"Hey, stop--"

"Why did we end up like this?" I softly whispered. I know that she heard what I've said because I felt her hands on my mine. "Why did I end up here? I don't know why this has happened. Maybe, I deserved it."

"Alexandre." She called my name. I can feel a cold, tingling feeling at the back of my head. I started to feel pain there. It was faint, but I can still feel it.

"I.. I am sorry, Bea," I turn my head to her. "I am sorry if I'm breaking my promises."

"Shh..." She leaned on my head and wrapped her arms around me. "You'll go out there, hm-'kay?"

I can say anything no more. I just nodded because I am afraid to hurt her feelings more if I say anything.

'I wish you'll find someone better than I am. I hope you'll marry a good man, start your own family, and live my wild imagination for the both of you.' I meant to say. 'I know that it will end anyway. Even though, people say that there is still a chance that I might survive, I know myself that I couldn't fight anymore. I'm just hoping that when I die, I will go to heaven to see you once again.'

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