Chapter 2

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3rd person
That night as sam laid in bed he swore he heard a howl and when he looked out his window he sees this wolf looking back at him "holy shit" he says quietly as the wolf runs off into the night before he can even move and inch. Something about that wolves eyes was familiar to him and he couldn't under why or how
*the next day*
Sam went back to the comic book store and was again approached by the frog brothers "noticed anything usual about santa carla yet?" Alan asked him "its a pretty cool place, if your marshin" sam says not making eye contact "or a vampire" Edgar says. Sam looked at them finally "you guys sniffing old news print or something?" Sam said like he was thinking there's no way vampires are actually real "you really think you know what's happening around here don't you well I'll tell you what, ya don't know shit buddy" Edgar says. Sam went picked up a random comic "you think we work at a comic book store for our folks huh" Alan says "this is just our cover, we dedicated to a higher purpose, we're fighters for truth justice and the American way" Edgar says. He gives sam another comic "I told you I don't like horror comics" sam says "think of it more like a survival manual, there's our number on the back and pray you never need to call us" Alan says, That's when lexi walked over "you okay there sam?" She asked "yea I'm okay" he says.

Lexi's pov
I looked to the brothers "I just wanna say that this comic has pretty much everything right when it comes to vampires" I say and they all look at me "how would you know that?" Edgar asked "you could say I have some experience with that" I say. I smirked a little as the 3 boys widen their eyes "your saying you've hunted before?" Alan says "you could say that" I said smirking still  "okay, we've seen you here loads but didn't exactly take you for the vampire hunter type" Edgar says. I smirked "guess I'm just full of surprises" I say and sam thinks for second "guys is there meant to be any wolves about?" He asked "um no, wolves shouldn't be in santa Carla why?" Alan asked. Sam says he saw one last night "it looked right at me then it ran off into the night" he says, well shit that's not good "hum maybe it's a werewolf, probably wanting to get rid the vampires" Alan says and thankfully nun of them Could see the look on my face, i go for a quite walk and climbed up to watched the boredwalk from the top of a building.

As I'm sat there I felt someone sit next to me "why'd you walk away when we mentioned wolves?" I hear Alan ask "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" I say as I looked at him "I promise to try and explain but not yet also I wanna tell you, Edgar and sam at the same time" I say. I looked into his eyes and felt like we were the only two people on earth "okay, how about this, we take care of this vampire problem then you can tell us" he says and I nodded. As we sat there it was like gravity and slowly we leaned in and soon our lips connected I I felt the sparks instantly, when we pulled away I see him smiling "so if you couldn't tell I like you, I have for a while but never could approach you" he says and I giggled a little. I look back up at the stars "so um do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked and I looked at him "I'd love to" I say as he grins happily and put his arm around my shoulder.

Hunter's WolfwalkerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora