Chapter 11

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During their time in the woods, the Old Fashioned Witch had been watching the girls through her crystal ball in her castle. Alongside her was a monkey with feathered wings. The Old Fashioned Witch said,
" you decided to not take my warning. Your journey will be worse for you. In fact, I'm gonna get you now instead of later!"
She ran off to prepare a concoction of some sort using magical red powder. As she was doing so, she said,
"When I get those Ruby slippers, I will be the most powerful witch in all of Aus!"
She then went to the crystal ball with a brush that had the magical concoction. She said,
"Now, my little puppy...something with poison, yes? Yes, poison indeed. Now for something appealing to little girls. Something that they can smell"
As she waved the brush over the Crystal ball, it showed an image of a beautiful pink and red poppy flower field.
"Ah, poppies! Perfect" said the Old Fashioned Witch
"Poppies will put them to sleep. they'll sleep..."

Meanwhile with Bluey, Bingo, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness, they had just exited the dark woods and were skipping down the Yellow Brick Road. When they encountered the poppy field, Bluey noticed something in the distance. She gasped, smiled, and said ecstatically,
"Look! There's the Land of Toys!"
And right she was. In the distance, there was a large castle that looked like one of Bluey and Bingo's palace play sets back at home, only much bigger and more real.
"We're almost there! Finally!" said Bingo, hopping up and down.
"Doesn't it look beautiful?" asked Bluey.
The girls nodded and Bluey continued with,
"It's just like how I imagined it to be! Oh, this Wizard must be wonderful for real life in order to live in such a beautiful place like this!"
Also excited, the Chow-ardly Lioness said,
"Then what are we waiting for?"
"Nothing! Let's go!!" replied the ScarePoodle, who began running into the poppy field.
"Let's run!" said Bingo.
Soon after, everyone ran into the field, excited as they can be. The ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin were running as fast as they could. Meanwhile for Bluey, Bingo, and the Chow-ardly Lioness, they were running a little slowly.
"Come on! Come on!" said the ScarePoodle.
"Hurry! Hurry!" said the Dalma-Tin.
Bluey, Bingo, and the Chow-ardly Lioness slowed down a little more, but they kept on running. The ScarePoodle saw that the Land of Toys was getting closer and closer. She pointed and said,
"Look! Look!"
"Wow..." said the Dalma-Tin.
"It looks beautiful from up here! The Land of Toys!"

The Chow-ardly Lioness was able to catch up to them, but for Bluey, she had completely stopped running. She walked up to them and asked,
"Wh...what's happening...? What is it...?"
Putting the back of her paw on her forehead, she said,
"I can't run anymore...I feel so sleepy..."
Feeling concerned, the ScarePoodle said,
"Here, Bluey. Give us your paw so we can pull you along!"
" shouldn't...I need to rest for a bit..."
Bluey looked around and then said,
"Bingo? Where's Bingo?"
Bingo was below Bluey's feet and she was so close to falling asleep. She was laying down on her side, similar to as if she was holding a blanket over her.
"There's no time for sleeping, Bluey! We're almost there!" said the ScarePoodle.
But just as she said that, Bluey laid down on the poppy field and fell asleep quickly. The Dalma-Tin was so upset seeing Bluey asleep that she began crying and whimpering. The ScarePoodle noticed this and said,
"Don't cry, Dalma-Tin! You're gonna rust!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness, who was also very sleepy, said,
"Actually, now that she said it, weeks and weeks of sleep doesn't sound that bad"
She began to fall asleep, but the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin caught her. The ScarePoodle said,
"Don't you fall asleep too! We need your help to carry Bluey!"
They finished propping the Chow-ardly Lioness and the ScarePoodle continued saying,
"I don't think I can do it, but we can try, right...?"
"Yeah! Let's give it a go!" said the Dalma-Tin.
But as soon as the two girls went for Bluey, the Chow-ardly Lioness passed out onto the field fast asleep.

Gasping from this, the remaining two girls were now scared.
"This is bad...this is really bad!!" said the Dalma-Tin, who began tearing up.
The ScarePoodle grabbed Bluey's paw and said,
"Help me out, Dalma-Tin!!"
"Ok..." she replied
Bluey was completely asleep in the poppy field and she couldn't feel her paws trying to be pulled up by the two girls.
"I can't pull her! Not even a tiny bit!" said the ScarePoodle.
"This has to be a spell!"
Gasping, the Dalma-Tin said,
"It's the Old Fashioned Witch's spell! What do we do??"
Suddenly, she screamed,
"Help!! Help!!"
The ScarePoodle interrupted her by saying,
"No no no! Don't scream! Howl!!"
And then, the Dalma-Tin and the ScarePoodle howled all together. They howled as loud as they could, hoping that someone, anyone, would help out the sleeping puppies.

But then, something peculiar began happening. It began snowing! This snow was provided by Frisky, who had heard the sad howls of the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin. The former noticed this and she stopped howling. She then began hopping up and down with excitement and said,
"It's snowing!!"
"No it isn't..." replied the Dalma-Tin, who was crying a little.
"Yes it is! Maybe the snow can help!"
The sleeping Bluey was now covered in snow.
"Maybe not..." said the ScarePoodle.
But then Bluey woke up! The ScarePoodle gasped with delight and said,
"It did help! Bluey!! You're waking up!"
Bluey and Bingo stretched as they woke up and they were slightly confused, but happy to be awake. Soon after, the Chow-ardly Lioness woke up and she got up quickly. She said,
"Wow, this is unusual weather!"
Bluey noticed the Dalma-Tin, gasped, pointed at her, and said,
"Uh oh! She rusted again!"
The Dalma-Tin had rusted thanks to her crying and partially thanks to the snow.
"Quick! Hand me the oil can!" said Bluey.
The ScarePoodle got it out from her fluffy fur and handed it to Bluey.
"She really did rust again, did she?" said the ScarePoodle.
Bluey immediately began oiling the the Dalma-Tin. But as she was doing so, the Old Fashioned Witch had witnessed the whole event from her Crystal ball. Angry, she shouted,
"Curses! Curses! Someone always has to know her!"
The flying monkey handed her a handkerchief.
"Shoes or no shoes, I'm gonna get her one way or another!" she said as she tossed the hankie out of a window in anger.
Her plan had failed and the girls could now finish their journey in peace.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat