chapter 8

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The animal group was tied upside down with bounds and gags on their mouths as they were trapped at Pinky's place with no one to help them. They saw a flame streak coming from the ceiling and they saw that in the pool next door, the Duke's nephew Hunch had come and looked menacing to the group that his uncle was after.

'Oh, brother... Hunch.' Patch thought.

Hunch broke in through the top, singing a song to himself as he used a can-opener to come in and lunge after the heroic group. He fell in with a potted cactus that hit the chair and he hit the floor, his head chomped on by a white tiger rug and the potted cactus hit him clear on the head. 

"Worst rescue ever!" Cherry blurted out once Hunch came to and started to climb on the TV, next to the antennae.

"I think he's still trying to kill us." Patch said.

"He's gonna kill himself long before that happens." Cherry mumbled.

Hunch raised his weapon high, but it hit the antenna, so it electrocuted him. He pulled himself free from it, flinging backwards and hit a bed that was against the wall and they both fell hard to the floor. He then backed up against a vacuum cleaner and was going for a wild ride on it now. The vacuum hit the bed and made him hit the group and the ceiling fan go off, making them all jolt a little and Patou's shoelaces cut them down.

'Oh, why?' Patch thought.

The group bounced off the bed and the fan came lose and was now coming down on Hunch. This was a very unlucky day for him. The bed slammed back with him in it.

"Well, I guess we're good..." Cherry shrugged as they were sort of free.

"Yeah." Patch said.

Hunch came back and he kept trying to kill the group, but they all managed to stop him. Cherry even bent down next to him and whacked her paw against the tiny owl and made him fly out the window, but of course, he came right back. 

"Are you kidding me?!" Patch exclaimed.

Hunch was cornerning them now, he had a fork, ready to stab them all. However, Chanticleer broke in with Goldie, breaking the glass and Patou accidentally whacked Chanticleer hard on the head, knocking him out instantly. Hunch had landed in the fish bowl.

"Oh, no, I've killed him!" Patou moaned.

"Chanticleer, you gotta crow!" Edmond cried.

Snipes panicked again. "He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!"

"Jumping Jehosephat!" Peepers gasped as she checked over Chanticleer.

"No, he's just passed out." Patch said.

"King..." Goldie said softly as she hugged the fallen rooster.

"Untie me!" Edmond cried.

Cherry used a claw to let Edmond down from her side upside down. 

There were zipping scooters with the toads coming. 

"Let's get him outta here!" Peepers called, trying to lift Chanticleer, then saw a window. "Through there!"

"You heard the mouse!" Patch called. "Get going!"

Everyone made their escape, taking Chanticleer with them. They had a little bit of trouble getting him through at first. By the time they got his head through, they tip-toed over to the car part, sneaking to get to the car to make their great escape. Goldie was even going with them and she felt very bad for hurting Cherry and Patch before, but she really did love Chanticleer and he loved her back, so she was going to go with them and maybe live on the farm with them from now on.

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