chapter 3

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"Oh, great." Atticus said.

"Uh-oh, he looks really mad." Patch said.

Surprising to Edmond, he was able to understand him now.

"You can talk...?" Edmond asked the puppy.

"I always could, you just never listened before." Patch said to him.

"You put your finger on the Duke's face!" the evil owl removed his monocle, looking rather cross with the kids and the puppy. "These are expensive.... Little BRAT! The Duke... Is going... To eat YOU!"

"You're not gonna eat us!" Edmond said as he ran off to find his flashlight, knowing that owls hated the light.

"Quick, we have to go and get flashlights." Patch said.

Cherry took out her phone, clicking the flashlight app and shined it as she ran with the boys. The owl shrieked and snarled from her bright light from her cell phone. He glared at all of them and decided to make them into something more easy to manage. He breathed all over them, which so far, unknown to them, turned them into something different. Edmond was heard mewing as he tried to defend himself, but was now buried in his pajamas. And as for Atticus and Cherry. 

"Why does everything look so big?" Cherry muttered once she got herself free.

The Duke of Owls moved his wings down and picked up a white kitten with blonde hair oddly enough. 

"CHERRY! ATTICUS! WAKE ME UP!" the cat cried.

"I swear that kitten is Edmond..." Cherry was surprised, did the Grand Duke turn him into a kitten?

"I think that kitten is Edmond." Atticus said.

"That's impossible... Edmond's not a kitten..." Cherry said.

Patch walked to them, then growled and barked, he thought they were strangers.

Another dog that was brown and looked old that wore pants and shoes came by from nowhere and bit the owl on the leg, making Edmond the kitten fall in the air, but land safely on his feet. And as for the animals that Atticus and Cherry were tuned into.

"You stay out of this, Patou," the Duke scolded the dog in his grip. "This does not concern you!"

"Where's my phone?" Cherry looked around.

"Oh, yeah, owls hate the light!" Edmond found the phone which seemed bigger now for some reason and he tapped the on-screen, shining the cell phone light against the Grand Duke, sending him away through the broken window.

"Ha! And stay out!" Atticus called out.

Patou chuckled, he smiled at all of them. "That light was quick thinkin' on your paws... What's your names, little ones?"

The kids gave their names.

Edmond looked up to the old dog. "Is he gone?"

"Yeah, he's gone, but he'll be back," Patou scoffed. "And he won't be alone, the coward... I would've whopped him if I had my shoes tied! But, you know somethin', tying shoes is harder than dry dog food!"

"Don't remind me." Cherry mumbled, she still didn't know how herself despite being older than Edmond.

"What do you wear shoes for?" Patch asked, he never met a dog that wore any.

"Bunions, I got a load of bunions, and these shoes help protect my feet." the old dog explained.

"Wow." Atticus said.

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