chapter 4

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There was no turning back for Cherry, Edmond, Peepers, Snipes, and Patou, but Cherry looked very sick.

"I just remembered something..." Cherry said sluggishly as she turned green. "I get seasick..." she then cupped her mouth and swallowed hard.

"Now you tell us this?" Snipes asked.

"Harbor ho!" Peepers called as they were drifting along.

"Harbor who?" Snipes asked. "Which why?"

"I should be fine..." Cherry took out white pills, then swallowed them to ease her weak stomach. 

"GIANT TREE!" Edmond called once he looked through his telescope. "100 FEET!"

"What's going on?" Patch asked, appearing to be swimming over to them.

"Patch, I told you to stay with Atticus!" Cherry told the puppy. 

"We need wind power!" Peepers called once she got a blanket and used it as a sail.

Patch got aboard and decided to help. "Atticus said for me to go with you guys, besides, he still has his strength." he said.

Patou helped up the puppy. "Be careful now, son... I don't want you to get hurt now."

"Uhh... I think I'm slowing you down, guys, I better get off myself..." Snipes said nervously.

"40 FEET!" Edmond yelled about the tree, making the magpie scream. 

"Patou, Patch, pull on this!" Cherry told the dogs as Peepers needed help. 

Peepers used an arrow to bend to make a proper sail so they could keep riding along like the toy chest was a true boat.

"Come on, team, we can do it!" Patch called out.

The others screamed, but they were able to dodge the tree. 

"This is the right way, guys!" Edmond told them as they came to the flooded town zone. 

Cherry looked up and saw a flock of birds coming. "There's some of those owls coming... But they have a scrawny one in front of them..."

Patou sighed in annoyance. "Hunch..."

"I'll get rid of him." Patch volunteered.

"BOMB'S AWAY!" Hunch called as he knocked Edmond into the water. 

The other owls tried to take over the toy chest.

"GET OFF, YOU RATS WITH WINGS!" Cherry snapped, she slashed her paw across one of them, making one of them scar.

Patch attacked Hunch, which was very easy to attack and send him into the water. When Hunch was in the water now, he kept trying to drown Edmond. 

Cherry noticed a camera. "Guys, get the camera!"

"What's she want a camera for?" Patou was confused. 

The owls kept trying to grab the others and take them back to the Duke like they were assigned to do. Patch helped Edmond so he wouldn't drown. 

"Say cheese!" Peepers called, stomping her foot and the camera had a flash on it and it blinded the owls. 

Patou laughed. "We got 'em!"

"Going down!" Cherry yelled as they were all flying back into the toy chest and on their way to something called an 'aqueduct pipe'. 

Hunch chuckled as they were going, but he did not know that these pipes led straight to the city.

"Get the lid!" Patou called as they were going to be under water now.

"Yes, we're going to the city!" Patch cheered as soon as he saw the sign.

Cherry grabbed the lid and pulled it shut as they were going to go down the water now. Hunch flew away to share this report with his uncle who was the Grand Duke.

"We should be just fine now." Patch said.

Snipes was not taking it so well though, he was going around, wanting to be let out and he even poked holes like a woodpecker.

"What's wrong with him?" Edmond asked.

"He's claustrophobic," Peepers explained. "Teeny weeny places make him very, very nervous."

"Why did we bring him along?" Cherry asked with a groan. 

The holes that Snipes pecked released some water into the toy chest.

"Someone stop him!" Patch said.

Patou tried to grab Snipes and settle him down, even tying him up with a paddle ball and putting the ball through his beak. "Settle down, you crazy bird, you're rockin' the boat!"

Edmond, Cherry, and Patch tried to cover the holes while Patou and Peepers tried to stop Snipes from endangering their lives.

"Snipes, stop going crazy!" Patch said.

"We're not gonna be able to lay in here for long..." Cherry said as the water was rising.

"Why did that crazy bird have to be claustrophobic?" Patch asked.

Luckily the toy chest didn't bust and they kept going through pipes through the sewers.

"Well, it can't get worse, can it?" Cherry muttered.

Edmond looked ahead and saw something downright scary: it was the end of the tunnel and it looked like the end of a waterfall. "Oh, no!"

"This is gonna get ugly..." Cherry said as they got closer and closer.

"Abandon ship!" Peepers squeaked.

"I hate the waterfalls!" Patch cried out.

The lid was put back on the toy chest. Due to the high fall and the intense water pressure, when the chest fell int othe water, it was destroyed. There was a metal barrel on the surface though that they could all grab onto and help each other up. 

"What's that smell?" Edmond cringed.

"Garbage," Snipes snarled, he was a little more calm now, but disgusted. "I risk my life for a cat and what does it give me? Garbage! I've never been so—" he then looked forward and was amazed. "Wow..."

"Look, guys!" Cherry pointed to the bright lights and buildings coming into view.

Edmond gasped happily. "THE CITY!" 

"It's beautiful..." Peepers whispered.

Patou chuckled. "Now all we gotta do is find Chanticleer... And that's gonna be like finding a needle in a hay stack."

"Yeah, I wonder how it's going with Atticus and the others?" Patch wondered.

When the metal barrel took the group to the city, they decided to stop by the diner to use a phone book to track Chanticleer down easily.

"I'm sure they're fine with Atticus on their side." Cherry said as she found the closest diner to them.

"Yeah." Patch said.

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