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It was the night of the dance. Me, Donna and Gweny were putting on our makeup and getting ready.

"I can't believe we all have dates!" Said Gweny

"Me either never in a million years did I expect to be going to a school dance with Robin Arellano." I said

"I never thought I would be with finney." Donna said curling her hair

"I never thought I would be with Billy." Said Gweny

After we were finished we went down stairs.

"You girls look beautiful." Mom said

"Thanks mom." I said

"I think their here." Mom said looking out of the window

"Okay now I'm actually scared." Gweny said moving her hand towards her face like a fan.

"Gweny it's okay, I'm pretty sure Billy is nervous too." Donna said rubbing her back.

The boys pushed Billy in and he stood up holding flowers

"Uhm hi uhm gweny I got you some uh followers." Said billy holding flowers his face was very red.

"Thanks." Gweny said with a red face.

"Okay I was right." Donna said smiling

"Hi Robin." I said smiling

"You look beautiful amor." He said holding my hand

"Aww you guys look so cute." Mom said "selfie time!"

She took like 10 photos already.

"Okay now-"

"MOM!" Me and Donna yelled.

We got into our limo and went to the dance. It was so much people and the decorations looked so pretty.

"Hi guys!" Gia saying walking up.

Bruce started blushing.

"Hey Gia." Bruce said

"Wanna dance?" He asked

"Sure." She said

"Weirdos." I said laughing.


"So Bruce, how long have you known Robin?" Gia asked

"Oh, umm about 2 years I heard you guys are childhood friends." He said

"Yeah we were until he moved to Denver and then I moved to Denver, I thought it was gonna be very fun to catch up with Robin but I haven't been with him because of-" she said looking at yn.

"Ummm." Bruce said "because of who?"

"Yn." She said

"Well that is his girlfriend, why are we talking about Robin and yn anyways this night is supposed to be about us." Bruce said

"Well maybe I don't want it to be about us! Me and Robin were supposed to be together!" She said pulling away from Bruce.

"So you mean you never even liked me you just used me for Robin?" He asked

"Sorry not sorry." She said walking away walking over to Robin and yn.

"Robin can I talk to you for a second?" She asked

"Umm sure?" He said

"Whats up-"

Gia pulled Robin in for a kiss.

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