Why is our 2A under attack and how?

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Many a time, a shooting is shoved in our faces as a reason to ban the ownership of guns. Instead of going straight to one conclusion, really analyzing the real statistics would put many people ahead in the context of self-defense and overall human safety. Today, Imma be goin' over two main points here: why is our beloved 2A under attack and how is it being attacked?

First of all, there are many reasons why the right to bear arms is under attack. Here in the U.S., I'd say it's rooted in population control. Taking weapons away gives the government (still having firearms at that point) a far easier time of seizing us and enslaving us. Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Ottoman Turkey, Guatemala, and Uganda all removed or destroyed the right to bear arms right before mass-genocide. See, many people see us Americans as dumb and oblivious, and honestly I kinda think the government sees us like that, so they are feeding lies to MSM and every one of their little sheep followers in order to execute the task of removing our rights. So overall, I see our Second Amendment being attacked for control over us Americans and as a way to boost the chances of all opposition being crushed when we invade ourselves.

Lastly, I could list off a myriad (look the word up in a dictionary) of ways the Second Constitutional Amendment is being attacked, but I'm only going over a few just because some people don't like to read much. The first is an indirect use through shootings. They are one of the most publicized events which makes them optimal targets for singling out guns and gun owners as evil. It generalizes the shooter with everyone in the U.S. who owns a gun. This offensive emphasizes that guns are the problem. We all know it is the person that is the problem. The gun cannot kill people by itself. It has to have a person who is very troubled in the mind and motivated enough to go murdering people. Take the Robb Elementary shooter. He was a troubled member of the LGBTQAI+++ Premium Prime Gold Pro community whose poor mind got warped by the world around him enough to go shoot people. Another way our rights are attacked is through propaganda in the media. We saw Sleepy Joe remark that a 9mm round can blow the lungs out of the body. Scaring easily gullible people about something you're against can be an easy way of getting swathes of people on your side. We also see a heavy use of the term "assault rifle". Now this propaganda focuses on the legal specs of a gun and uses it in the wrong context. Assault rifles are fully automatic rifles chambered in an intermediate cartridge. Owning a fully automatic firearm is illegal if you aren't/weren't in the force or the service, or are a gun dealer. On top of that, you'll need to purchase an expensive automatic weapons permit in order to even own an automatic firearm, so not every person with a gun that remotely resembles an AR-15 has an "assault rifle". 

So my point was to basically explain why we Americans are having the issue of our right to bear arms attacked to clear anything up and to go over how these rights are being attacked so that we know how to deal with and counter offensive moves by anti-freedom people/organizations/governments. I can do another post more extensively explaining how we can prevent the 2A from being taken, so comment and tell me if we should. Thanks! 

Why is the United States' 2A under attack and how?Where stories live. Discover now