1.The Come Back

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°Y/N pov.

I'm Y/N Morizono which I rather be called Y/N L/N, I completed 5 years in the marine in the US which means that I'm a former Fleet Admiral (higher rank than the admiral), everyone was surprised that I reached that rank because I was only there for 4 years when I became a Fleet Admiral.

My older brother Aguni, went to the military in which he completed the SDF officer.
People may think that we have a really good relationship but in the contrary, our relationship isn't really good, I mean, he doesn't care about me, I don't care about him too and about our parents... They weren't really there we needed.
Forgot to mention that I'm the brainy and stronger sibling and Aguni is only stronger than me but I can outsmart him.
And I can easily defeat him by my smartness and my skills, there is a reason why I'm a former Fleet Admiral right?
My goodbye ceremony, let's just say, it was really amazing, it was a party which was destined to the Fleet Admirals, well former Fleet Admirals. Even though, some of them were surprised of my age,  and because of how quick I reach the rank of the Fleet Admiral.
After my last ceremony in the marines I went to the airport to go back to Japan, my home.
I spend all the flight sleeping and resting even though it's unusual for me, but to be honest it was really calm, I decide when I get home, I will do my routine and after that go to search Aguni, he told me before we separated that he was going to live alone which mean the house where we grow was all mine.
I didn't care, it's his own decision after all.
But I wanted to reunite with him after 5 years, even though we don't care for eachother we need to know that at least we're fine so our parents don't say that we're to cold with each other.
When I arrive, it was already night time. I'm so tired so let's just rest and tomorrow we do our usual routine that we did in the marine.
By the time I arrived at my apartment it was already 3 am, I unlock my door and unpacked all my things and get ready to go to bed, today was a really long day.
I got a strange feeling but I shrug it off because of how tired I was.

I wake up in the morning only to be greeted by silence which it was unusual in the busy streets of Shibuya because even at 3 am there was around 100 people walking around I think, I sigh at this thought, I get up and look outside my window to only be greeted by the empty streets, I sigh and get ready with some sporty-baggy clothes, a black mask and a cap and head down to see if luckily I have something for breakfast.
I went to the fridge to only see rooted food, It seems that there isn't any electricity and my phone isn't even working.
I had a bad feeling so in case I wore my fighting boots with a blade inside in which I can get it out with a special move (like Shinobus) and a backpack with the MRE homemade (meal- ready to eat) because I didn't like the original one, ok? So I made one for my self and with my own likings, a first medical kit and more weapons because who knows.
On my way to somewhere I think about the possibilities of why there aren't any people, and let's just say some candy stores and grocery stores ended raided by me, someone who has an addiction to gums and lollipops, and of course I only grab canned food which ended in my stored room with the medical kits, weapons and more MRE homemade. And went to do my routine.
When I finish my routine it was already night time, I had a flashlight but I didn't want to waste its power so I didn't use it, then, I saw outside a really bright light.
Weird, there shouldn't be any electricity.
In the distance I could read:
'Welcome players, the game is in this way.'
I went there with my skateboard which lead me to a building with electricity (the same building as Arisus but he's not there). I frown at this, knowing that there isn't supposed to have any electricity.
I hide my skateboard so nobody would steal it or broke it.
I went in to only find 5 more people, I'm grateful for my black mask and my cap which people couldn't see my face; there was a large white table on the side and a note which read 'Only one per person' I went to grab one and said 'Scannning face', after that I went to a corner and find a plunger and plunge my homemade taser. And hear my music, I'm so proud that I have an MP3 so it doesn't need any internet, I started analyzing the people, there was a man with black hair and a bowl cut, who gets a bowl cut nowadays? He's about 176 cm and around the age of 20-30 years, beside him, there's a woman, with blonde hair and heavy makeup, she's around the same age as the man and about 156 cm. There's a couple, the girl shorter tan the guy and they have black hair around the age of 18-20 years and a guy, looking very buff and wanna make it all on his way, black hair and around the age of 20-25 years.
When I finished analyzing I heard an electronic voice...
1 more minute till the registration close.

What a weird game, let me guess it's a surviving game where you die or live.
I thought while deadpanning in the inside. Ok let's just not jump into conclusions yet. The people I studied earlier seem like they know what there doing but something inside tells me there gonna die all of them because of the buff guy earlier.
I heard the same electronic voice said...

Will you survive the games?
Will you find your brother Aguni?
To be continued.

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