background, final note, and reference index

Start from the beginning

struggling with mental illness, even if it means you sometimes hurt someone you care about, doesn't mean you are not deserving of love and happiness.

so please, be gentle. be patient. be kind. i am here for you. i love you.

thank you all for reading. thank you all for listening. thank you all for everything.

all my endless love and gratitude as always,

reference index:

i might've missed a few, but these are all i could see combing through it this time. also, i didn't check any of them for typos. yolo.

chapter one:

"im the best, worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet." - american beauty/american psycho

chapter ten:

"miserable and stunning." - the carpal tunnel of love

chapter eleven:

"i dont want to remember it all." - twin skeletons (hotel in nyc)

menthols are mentioned in this chapter and that's a super tiny detail but it comes from where did the party go

chapter thirteen:

"i'm just your early morning company." - fourth of july

chapter fourteen:

"you look so seattle, but you feel so l.a." - irresistible

"i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead." - alone together

chapter fifteen:

"just a problem that doesn't wanna be solved." - novocaine

chapter sixteen:

"what you do on your own time's just fine." - calm before the storm

"am i more than you bargained for yet?" - sugar, we're going down

chapter seventeen:

"i became such a strange shape from trying to fit in." - wilson (expensive mistakes)

"i always make such expensive mistakes." - also wilson (expensive mistakes)

chapter twenty:

"i think i fell in love again... or maybe i just took too much cough medicine." - american beauty/american psycho

"i don't care what you think, as long as it's about me." - i don't care

chapter twenty-one (pilots):

"frame me up on your wall, just to keep me out of trouble." - irresistible

chapter twenty-two:

"i said i'd never miss you... but i guess you never know." - fourth of july

chapter twenty-three:

"write me off... give up on me. what did you expect...? i'm just a lost cause." - a little less sixteen candles, a little more 'touch me'

"it's getting hard to know what's real." - church

chapter twenty-four:

"i think it looked a little better on me." - the phoenix

"if i can get my shit together, i'm gonna run away and never see any of you again." - wilson (expensive mistakes)

"you're the only place that feels like home." - i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me

"i'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake." - nobody puts baby in the corner

american beauty // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now