The Place to Dye for?

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May not be written in canon I suck at canon writing. I'm very sorry.


Jimmy was working around on Tumble town. Fairly normal day for a sheriff, you would say, but that wouldn't be the case for today.

"I have told you that I have no deepslate emerald ore Pix" Jimmy heard in the distance.

"Alright alright I'm just checking!"

Jimmy concluded it would be best to ignore it. He recognized those voices as Joel and Pix. Whom he didn't want to see. He really was not in the mood for toy jokes, however the voices got closer, eventually reaching the Sheriff in a matter of seconds.

"Hello Jim!" Pix enlightened.

Joel continued, "Hiya Toyboy."

Jimmy was fuming. This kind of disrespect? Even from Pix? He didn't have the energy to deal with it. "Please, go away. Both of you." Jimmy answered to their offensive greetings. Both Joel and Pix looked at one another and snickered. "Sorry Toyboy, no can do." Joel retaliated. Jimmy was not in the mood, on the other hand, he was the sheriff. The sheriff cannot act unprofessional, things such as yelling at one another should be done only in emergency cases. This was for personal reasons. Well... mostly. The law Jimmy wrote had stated otherwise. However, no one would hold up to that law anyway, even if it was just the start of their journey.

The best idea the Sheriff caught onto was just simply leaving. So he did exactly that. He picked up his shulkers and left. Just like that. Joel stared in shock. Despite his teasing, Jimmy never actually did that. Deep inside, Joel realised he should probably leave him alone for now, he indeed, seemed very mad. He would come back later with more jokes. Maybe even a few sheriff toys... just to make Jimmy even more angry, he looked very funny when he was mad, according to Joel.

Jimmy was quietly watching the two men from afar, hoping they would leave.

They didn't.

"Sooo... do you know about anyone who could possess a certain block?"

"Deepslate emerald ore?"

Pix nodded.

"FOR MY SAKE, PIX!...but I think Fwhip or Joey might have some. Y'know, goblin and pirate, treasures...."

Jimmy zoned out upon hearing that new name, not hearing the rest of the conversation.

Joey? Who the hell was that, Jimmy thought to himself. Now that he thought about it, he definitely didn't know everyone who was in this world with him. He has so far met the so-called god Joel, Pix, Katherine, Lizzie, Fwhip of course, and a few others. Now he was wondering who Joey was. And if there were presumably more people, ruling their lands.

The more Jimmy thought about it, the more he wanted to go see. After a little small chat with himself, he decided it would be nice to open up more trade routes. He can't get to building now anyways, since those two menaces are still hanging around.

So the sheriff flew off towards Glimmer Grove. Why Glimmer Grove you ask? Well, when he met Katherine, she shared a little bit of her goal here, which was that she wanted to befriend EVERYONE. Bad idea, in Jimmy's pov. But its her life, and her empire to rule. It only made sense to visit her, if she wants to be friends with everyone, she surely must know a few more people then the Sheriff himself.

---/ After getting to Glimmer Grove /---

"Katherine?" Jimmy called out.


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