Twenty Eight

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No One's POV

After the tender moment, Lisa got serious. "Ok, I need to go over some things with you."


"Now first of all, tell no one you are from 1869. The time machine that we used was one of a kind. Most people do not believe it possible to travel through time and would think you had lost your mind. Another reason we don't want people to know, as some may want to use it for evil purposes."

Irene nodded. "What do I say then?"

"I have a friend Ella, who is going to get you some identity documents so you can pass as someone from this time. We have come up with a story that explains things. Your parents were both Korean, Jiwoo and Rae Bae. They moved to the remote Scottish Island of Eilean Nan Ron before you were born. They were the island's only inhabitants. Your parents rejected all forms of technology and preferred to live a simple life, away from other people. They only came to the mainland 2 or 3 times a year and only for supplies. You grew up on the island were kept very isolated from the modern world. You've recently decided to rejoin the modern world and sadly were attacked in London shortly after you arrived. I know it's a lie, but it will explain you not knowing what a lot of things are. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

"Ok, as I said you're in a hospital. You'll seen lots of strange things but the doctors and nurses here want to help you. In fact they've been ordered to give you extra special treatment. This room you're in with the nice carpeting and tan walls, is the best one here. Don't be afraid of them."

"It looks strange but it is nice."

"Ok, now that we have that straight. The doctor told me you should be out of the hospital in 5-7 days."

"Then what?"

"I told your father I would take care of you and in any case we can be together. You can stay with me in my apartment in Herford."

While the prospect of being with Lisa all the time had a giant thrill element to Irene, the prospect of actually living in sin made her uncomfortable. She felt very torn about it. But as to not offend Lisa and knowing she didn't have any choice, Irene smiled. "That sounds nice."

Lisa then leaned over and kissed Irene on the cheek. "Just you and me."

A loud knock at the door broke the momentary quiet of the room.

Lisa made a fist and growled at the interruption. "Come in."

The door quickly opened and in walked Cha, shopping bag in hand. "She's awake. So good to see that."

"Who is this?" Said Irene.

"This is...."

Before Lisa could answer, Cha walked up and shook Irene hand. "I'm Professor Cha Seungwon, inventor of the time machine. Not to mention super genius."

Lisa shook her head and muttered something about a runaway ego.

Irene smiled politely and gracefully shook his hand. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Irene."

"I am so sorry Irene, that things turned out as they did. I'm just so glad that we were at least able to get you to the hospital in time."

"Thank you Professor."

Lisa thought for a moment. "Hey how come it's Professor Cha instead of Doctor Cha like you were calling yourself earlier or did I screw up your time line too?"

After All These YEARSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن