Chapter 4 The Elvis

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"If Dean thinks that I'm just going to sit here doing nothing he's dreaming." Dani scoffed unzipping the duffle bag she had haphazardly tossed onto the bed. She dug around for a moment before pulling out a blouse and semi-casual blazer.

"He's looking out for you," Cas said.

"He's underestimating me is what he's doing."

Dani tipped out an banged up novelty tin that was made to look like an old radio its edges dinted from years of use. An assortment of fake IDs tumbled out onto the comforter. Finding the one that she was looking for she clipped it onto her belt loop. The badge read PRESS in bug blue letters along the top. The rest were clattered back into the tin.

"Dani this isn't a good idea."

"If you're so worried you're just going to have to come with me because I'm not staying here." She shrugged off her flannel and pulled the blouse over her singlet. With one hand she tucked the tails into her waistband with the other she dug through the duffle again she pulled out the DSL camera that Hal had given her as a late birthday present. "I mean you already look the part." She said eyeing him. "I'll be it a little cliche, but still."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sam and Dean stepped out of the elevator. Dean was still humming the annoying earworm of a song that was playing in the elevator.

"Well, that is something that I never want to see again," Sam said.

"I know right gives me a headache just thinking about it."

"What could do something like that?" Sam asked.

"Well normally I would say hex bags but the EMF was going crazy so I'm thinkin' a vengeful spirit, maybe even a poltergeist."

"Sounds more like the latter."

They had spent about an hour scouring the crime scene and talking to the head detective on the case. It didn't matter how many times the brothers investigated crime scenes the sight of a dead body still made their stomachs churn. This one though was especially gruesome. The victim was a businesswoman called Angela Hastings. It would take a long time to get the image of her lifeless face. Hearing that someone's brain had been turned to mush was one thing but seeing it was a whole other nightmare. Lumpy grey brain sludge and blood had oozed from the poor woman's ears, nose and eye sockets. Her eyes themselves had turned to jelly along with her brain.

"How can this ghost move to more than one place? Usually, a ghost or poltergeist is attached to one location, this one moves."

"Haunted object maybe?" Dean said.

As they exited the hotel they were stopped in their tracks by a familiar voice.

"Another death at the Jockey Club." Came the voice said with an unintentionally bad impression of a dramatic narrator. "The authorities haven't released a statement about the nature of the death. But these Ghostfacers don't give up easy."

From just in front of the police tape they spotted two annoying familiar heads of hair that they never thought they'd see together again, not after their last encounter. Harry Spangler and Ed Zeddmore were camped out in front of the police tape a large camera resting on Harry's shoulder pointed in the direction of the hotel. Ed was standing in front of it and had a microphone in his hand. Just as they were about to cut Harry zoomed in on the brothers.

"Hey Ed, Isn't that?" He asked gesturing with the camera.

Ed turned to look where his friend was pointing.

"Oh come on, the freacking Winchesters." Ed moaned letting the mic fall to his side.

The brothered exchanged disgruntled looks.

"Son of a bitch, really?!" Dean sighed. "I thought they broke up? Now we're going to have to deal with these two messing with our case again."

"I just hope it's not another Thin Man," Sam said as they approached the duo.

"I thought you two douche nozzles called it quits years ago," Dean said. He batted down the camera that was pointed annoyingly close to his face. "Get out of here. Or didn't you learn your lesson last time?"

"We aren't going anywhere." Harry started.

"Oh yes, you are. This thing will eat you up and shit you out faster than you can blink you've to go..." Dean trailed off as his eyes stared past the two men. "You've got to be kidding me." He muttered. He pushed past Ed and Harry. Sam followed close behind when he spotted what his brother had been looking at.

"Told you." Sam snickered.

"Shut up."

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