The devil returns

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I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door
"What the actual fuck" I said while looking around with one eye open and the other closed.
The banging continued I rolled my eyes and got up I looked at the time it was 6 in the morning. I was the only person home since Tasha and Nat was at work and Nature was at her new school

She started today I wrapped my robe around me and went downstairs the banging didn't stop till I opened the door there stood a woman she was about 5'7 honey blonde hair pretty blue eyes your average blonde the look on her face went from rage to confusion
"Who the fuck are you" she said
"Girl who the fuck are you talking to? It's to early to be banging on people door" I said already pissed off
"Little girl I am not here for you" she said

"Last time I check I was grown as fuck now tell me who you're looking for and I might can help your rude ass" I said snapping at her
"Ugh where is Na'Tasha? Natalia? Duh why else would I be here for" she said
"To get this ass beating you finna get if you keep talking to me like you're crazy" I said

"Who the fuck are you" the blonde bitch said in a weird way bitch sound like a baby doll and not in a good way
"I'm their girlfriend who the fuck are you?!" I said now ready to close the door
"Why would they ever date a black bitch like you" The unknown seed said
"Because I'm a bad bitch and I fuck good that's way now please go back where ever the fuck you came from" I said about to close the door
"Eat a meat stick" the blonde yelled

Is she 5?
"I already did last night bitch" I said while laughing
I really found this amusing best way to start my day I closed the door after hearing her yell I made my way back upstairs I have school myself to get ready for
I got in the shower and everything after that I started getting ready

Is she 5? "I already did last night bitch" I said while laughing I really found this amusing best way to start my day I closed the door after hearing her yell I made my way back upstairs I have school myself to get ready for I got in the shower an...

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(Dream's outfit)

After that I did my normal routine like my hair and all that other stuff I checked the time and it was 6:59 late? Yes ma'am I grabbed my keys and made it out the door  I got in the car and went on my way.

After all my classes Nature called me
I told her what had happened earlier she told me she believed it was some bitch named Ashley
"So she really just showed up?" Nature asked
"Yes she was about to leave with a broken nose because baby girl was talking out the side of  her neck with her old ass" I said getting mad all over again

Nature busted out laughing we talked somewhere before we both had to go the rest of the day was cool

* FF a couple of hours*

After I was done I went to go pick up Nature from school she told me that she wanted to go to the mall to get some food I said sure because why not we were now walking through the mall trying to decide on what we wanted to eat

I heard someone yell Nature name we turned around to see it was the Ashley girl she saw me and she went rage
"Why is this bitch with you and why does she say she's with your-" Nature cut her off
"First off watch your mouth second this is my best friend and yes she is my parents girlfriend problem?" Nature said

'I raised her right' I though
"So you're telling me that this slut is dating your parents but she's your best friend how desperate are they" Ashley said

"Bitch the only person that's desperate is you let's not forget you showed up on their doorstep at 6 in the fucking morning" I said snapping at her
"You were probably just a quick fuck anyways" Ashley said

"Ashley it's been 4 years they are not worried about you" Nature said
"I never liked you you were always a little bitc-" I cut Ashley off before she could
"Call her a bitch and watch me beat yo head into this ground" I said while sitting my things on the table that was near

"You're so desperate for attention you whore" Ashley said stepping a little too close for my liking
"You know what you got it" I said putting my hands up in "defect"
"Yea that's right you need to learn your place" Ashley said with a little more confidence
"Mhm" I said grabbing my things

She kept talking I grabbed Nature hand and walked away
Nature was so confused I was never the type to walk away from a fight but I'm trying to be a better person and that starts with discipline

Me and Nature got our food and we left the car ride back to the house was quiet mostly because Nature was stuffing her face with food
Anyways once we got back we saw that Tasha and Natalia were home I smiled and grabbed everything and went inside with Nature behind me

"Hi" Natalia said while coming over to us
"Hi mom" Nature said while walking into the kitchen where Tasha most likely was
"Hi mommy" I said in a more seductive way
"EWW NO" I heard  Nature scream from the kitchen causing me to bust out laughing
"Hi mamas baby" Natalia said while pulling me in for a kiss

After making out for a few seconds me and Nat went into the kitchen to see that Nature and Tasha were fighting each other over a cupcake
"It was mines first" Nature said angrily
"No it was not you wasn't even thinking about it until I said something" Tasha said
"So? Dream said I could have it and you're sitting here trying to eat it" Nature crying at this point

I looked at Natalia she looked at me and we just walked away they'll figure it out
Me and Nat went into the living room to look at a movie not even a few minutes later we heard Nature scream
"Let me go, let me go , let me go" Nature said
"No because I let you have the damn cupcake because you started crying over it and you just ate some of my damn ice cream you fat kid" we heard Tasha say

We got up to go see what in the H-e hockey sticks they were doing when we walked into the kitchen we saw Nature in a headlock
"This is an unfair fight she knows if she let me go imma wear ha ass out" Nature said

Tasha let her go and they started fighting again me and Natalia sat at the kitchen island the cupcake and the ice cream was just sitting there I looked at Natalia she looked at me we started eating they were too busy to notice that's until they stopped me and Nat looked up to see the two staring at us with nothing but rage in their eyes

* a few moments later *
"Na'Tasha stop I said I was sorry" I screamed
Na'Tasha had me over her shoulder about to throw me in the pool
I don't think she really cares because she threw me anyways
"I can't swim" I said
Tasha rolled her eyes and threw a noodle at me

"The fuck is a noodle supposed to do " I said while standing up she shrugged her shoulders and walked away I rolled my eyes and started getting out but was pushed back in by Nature
She glared at me and walked away

'I'm being bullied' I thought to myself..

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