Revolution of the Daleks

Start from the beginning

ARMEN: Is everyone all right in there?
RACHEL: We had an accident. People got hurt. The issue's been dealt with. There'll be someone waiting at Depository 23.
ARMEN: Long time since we opened that one. Whatever that is, is it safe?

"Not remotely." Mickey crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

RACHEL: Just get it there quick as you can.
ARMEN: Am I allowed to stop for a cuppa?
RACHEL: Oh, only cos it's you. How's your mum, by the way?
ARMEN: Yeah, you know...
RACHEL: Must be hard.
ARMEN: Yeah. Best get on the road.

"This can't go well." Amy grimaced. A singular trucker would be vulnerable with a destroyed Dalek in the back; even if the Dalek was fully destroyed there would be a lot of people wanting its remains.


(He's pulled the lorry in to refill his thermos at FI's Teas.)
ARMEN: Can I get a cup of tea in there, please? Thank you.

"Brits and their tea." Jack shook his head fondly, even as he watched the screen warily. They were all anticipating this delivery to go badly. He glanced at Yaz, Ryan and Graham thinking about his own involvement with Daleks and the four of them – was that this mess?

TEA LADY: There you go, love.
ARMEN: Cheers.
TEA LADY: Have a good day.
ARMEN: Thanks very much. Have a good one.
(He walks back to his lorry, takes a drink, starts to feel dizzy, drops the thermos, collapses. The tea lady closes the serving hatch, drags his body and dumps it in the back of the lorry with the remains of the Dalek, then drives the rig away.)

"Great." Martha threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Someone's stolen a Dalek's remains."

"I'm sure they have great intentions." Donna snorted; tone full of sarcasm.

[Empty lot]

PATTERSON: When you said breakfast meeting, I presumed it would be somewhere that served breakfast. Jo Patterson.
LEO: Leo Rugazzi. CEO, Rugazzi Technologies.
ROBERTSON: I acquired Leo's company 18 months ago.

"Robertson." Yaz groaned, identifying the businessman for the rest of the group. "I wanted to forget about him."

"A nice guy?" Rory asked with raised eyebrows.

Ryan snorted, "A pompous businessman with no regards for people. We met him when his hotel had a spider incident. Wonder what he's up to this time?" Nothing good clearly.

The rest of the group all shared a worried look, the last video had also featured a pompous businessman and Daleks. They were hoping this one didn't show any more similarities or the same fatality rate.

(Arachnids in the UK...)
PATTERSON: I see you buying a lot of companies right now. They're calling you the American Mike Ashley.
ROBERTSON: There's a lot of value in the market today.
PATTERSON: Having your political ambitions ruined by that little toxic waste scandal seems to have been a blessing in disguise.

"Little scandal?" Graham raised an eyebrow, "Bit of an understatement."

ROBERTSON: That's a very sensitive subject for me.
LEO: I just wanted to say that I am super-psyched about having a proper Technology Secretary at last.

"Technology secretary?" Bill narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Interesting." Wasn't it just convenient that a high-tech Dalek was stolen and now they were seeing the technology secretary.

PATTERSON: I was super-psyched too, until they told me that my budget was £2.70.
ROBERTSON: Well, if anybody can make it work, it's you, Jo.
PATTERSON: Show me why we're here.
ROBERTSON: Leo has something... revolutionary to show you.

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