He continues from behind the door. "I will take away your phone, tablet, computer, and gaming cables."

Tobby's eyes widen. "But I don't want to go to NFT Kids Mansion!" he pleads.

"But this year, they're hosting their first ever Web3 Tech camp for kids!" Lola interjects from behind him.

Tobby spins around to glare at his sister. "Tech camps are for geeks. I'm trying to uphold a reputation." He sighs. "I'm going to hate it. It'll be so boring."

Lola smiles and rolls her eyes, walking up to put an arm around her crestfallen brother. "Look who's talking! With all those gadgets you have in your bedroom, you could power the whole of Madagascar!" She says, giggling.

Tobby shrugs off her arm and angrily steps away from her. "Shut up, Lola! I love to play with my tech, but I don't want to make it." H. He turns his angry gaze at her.

"Besides, coding is so yesterday."

"No, it's not." Lola steps in Tobby's face and glares down at him.

"Yes, it is." Tobby stands on his tiptoes and tries to tower over her. He loves being the oldest twin but hates being the smallest by a few inches.

"Shut up, the both of you" Mom shouts, having had enough, and separates them.

Tobby was getting desperate. "Why can't I go with you and dad to Aunt Linda's baby gender reveal party in Paris?" He begs his mother.

"Well," his mom starts, taking out her smartphone, "after the stunt you pulled at her wedding. This is what she sent me yesterday." She shoves her screen in his face so he could read the message.

Do NOT bring that boy to my party. I will only see him when my eyelashes and eyebrows grow back fully.

His mother taps and underlines "Do NOT" with her forefinger when he finishes reading. "How was I supposed to know it was going to ruin her eyebrows? I only wanted to help to make sure Auntie Linda looked beautiful on her wedding day. That makeup artist was incompetent!"

His mother lowers her phone, staring at him in shock. "I give up" Lola slaps her forehead. "Tobby, you added hair remover to her eyebrow brush and mascara," she adds. "What were you THINKING?" His mother nearly shrieks, making Tobby take a worried step back at the interrogation. "She walked down the aisle looking like a cabbage patch doll on her dream day. She's been having PTSD every time she looks at the bridesmaids and groomsmen pictures where her pencil hand-drawn eyebrows melted down her face!"

"Oh, tell her to send those to me. I can retouch them in Photoshop" Tobby interjects whilst shrugging his shoulders. " "She's now on a life course of anti-depressants, Tobby!"

"Mummy, we talked about this already." Tobby tries to explain in the most soothing voice possible. "Besides, it's not good to bring back the past, right? That was a younger me." He says with as charming of a smile he can convincingly make.

His mother's lips form a thin line as she scowls at him. "That happened last week."

"Right, and I've matured since then."

"The only thing that's matured is your moldy socks!" Lola interrupts as she points to his room, pinching her nose.

"My socks smell better than your armpits, Lola!"

Lola snaps to her mother, one arm out and pointing at her brother. "Mummy, Tobby needs to get tested for ADHS- Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Silliness!"

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