38 - Home

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We managed to get off the floor and walked to the living room where Damiano was sitting. "Hi, Dami" Vica went and hugged him. He just looked at her with unreadible expression on his face.

Vic smiled akwardly and turned to me. "Well, how are you?" I asked Victoria and sat next to Damiano. She sat in front of us on a couch. "Now, way better" she smiled. My soul warmed from seeing her again. I missed her, and Thomas, and Ethan, and of course Olivia. I miss her like hell.

Damiano got closer and snuggled against me. He bringed his legs up to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me and his head on my chest.

I kissed his head and looked at Victoria who was already looking at me with sad smile.

"Well, what did you do here?" I asked interested. "OhKay" she laughed "well today I went shopping, yesterday after the flight I went straight to bed, haha, well what about you?". "Well, yesterday we also just went to sleep, today, we went to the studio because i had the photoshoot" I explained and looked at Damiano. He looked shortly into my eyes and looked away. "How are you, Dami?" Victoria asked looking between us.

"I don't know, better than before" he said silently then looked at me "When will we go home?". I gulped not really knowing what to say. I'm not even sure that i'll go back to Italy....

"I have lots of work here, and I just... I..." I sighed. Victoria looked at me kind of shocked and sad. "You?" Damiano gave me a sign that he needs me to continue "I... I kinda made my life here..." I almost whispered. I heard Damiano's ghasp. He stood up "I-i'm going to the bathroom" "Dam-" i tried to call him, but he walked away fastly.

"Shit" victoria said. I looked at her and felt as my eyes were full of tears. "Come here, Bel" she opened her arms and i sunk into them crying. "It's gonna be ok" she rubbed my back gently. "It won't, he's now mad at me" i cried out.

"He's not mad at you, he's shocked and sad, he's dissapointed" Vic said silently.  "Vic, I have no other choice. I finally found the job I like, and I'm renting this gorgeous apartment...It's almost like my dream, but I really miss you guys" I sobbed into Vic's  chest.

"Shhh, it's ok" she whispered into my hair kissing it afterwards. I heard footsteps coming closer so i quickly moved from Vic and wiped my tears as fast as possible.

Damiano came into the room. His eyes were red. Bright red.
It broke my heart seeing like this, especially knowing that it's BECAUSE OF ME.

"Dami" i stood up again and went in front of him. We stood in front of each other looking into each others eyes deeply.

I stared into his hazel eyes trying to find at least a single word to say to him, to calm him and myself. But i knew that none of the words could describe this pain both of us felt at the moment.

He pulled me into a hug. A tight hug. One of his arms was around my waist, other one was pulling my head into his chest "I love you" he whispered. I tried to control myself, but i burst out crying.

He squished me harder into himself. "Vic, i'll stay in Serbia, there's no point for you to stay, I'm moving here" He said to Vic. My heart skipped the beat. "W-what?" I asked getting out of his grip. "I'll move in, so we can stay together" he caressed my cheek. "Dami, the b-band, and everything... You can't..." i said shocked.

Victoria tore up "Damiano, don't do this to us, we need you, Måneskin needs you" she took a step closer to Damiano, but he stepped away from her, coming closer to me.

"I made my decision, I love Bella and I'll do everything to stay close with her, even if that means leaving Italy, family and career behind... I can't live without you baby, I won't survive any longer without you" he said as couple tears slid down his cheeks.


Victoria was panicking. I saw it in her eyes. The "talk" was about 3 hours ago. We all were layimg on the couch watching films. Damiano had his head on my chest, like most of the time. Victoria had her head on my shoulder. I caressed both of their heads.

"I love you both so much, i don't know what would I do without you" i whispered. Vica lifted her head and kissed my cheek "Luv ya". Damiano also lifted his head from my chest and turned around facing me. "I love you too, Bel, so much" he leaned in and kissed me.

Victoria didn't mind and just put her head back on my shoulder watching the film. Meanwhile Damiano kept kissing me. He was about to move the kiss from my lips to my neck, so I stopped him, pulling away.
"Why?" He asked me. "Let's watch the film" i smiled to him and tapped my chest, signing for him to lay his head on it. Victoria just giggled, making me smile slightly.

The more we watched, my eyes got more and more heavy. Only few seconds i thought before closing my eyes.

"Darling, wake up please" i felt soft hand on my cheek, caressing it. I slowly opened my eyes and the TV was already off and i heard slight snores from Vic who already slept. Damiano was kneelimg on the ground in front of me. "Let's go to sleep" he said and stood up picking me up in brydal style.

I wanted to say something, but i was still half asleep so i just put my head on Dami's shoulder and closed my eyes again. He put me in the bed and slowly removed my pants. Then he covered me with the sheets and tucked me in, kissing first my cheeks then lips.

On moments like this i feel, like the old Dami, my Dami is back. It seems like for a several minutes he turns back from that emotional and scared little kid, into the man I met and fell in love with...

He also got under the sheets and held me tight. I put my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat and feeling his chest lift up and get down again. It's really calming me down.


I felt soft hand on my hair, so I slowly opened my eyes. "Good morning, honey" i heard Damiano's raspy morning voice that gave me goosebumps, in a good way.
"Hi" i smiled.

I think I was right yesterday, saying about him slowly turning back. Maybe inviting him here was a good idea after all...


Anyways, i already wrote several chapters to my new book, but only god knows when i'll start to release it😉
(New book is also about Dam)

But anyways, i'll let it live rent free in my drafts😌

*sorry for grammar mistakes, just saying that I Am lazy af to check it🥲*

What a drag to love you like I do {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now