Chapter 8: A part of me

Start from the beginning

Knuckles knew it wasn't Sonic's fault. It was the other foxes fault. But the damage was done and Knuckles couldn't take back the words he said nor the look on Sonic's tear-stained-face.

So he hugged the other back. Listening to Sonic's words about Tails being okay. Knuckles knew, of all people, Sonic should be the one being comforted but instead Sonic was the one comforting them.

Knuckles felt his own tears start to fall so he placed his head against Sonic's shoulder. Letting them fall. Soon enough Knuckles had to let the other go ( he wished he didn't have too ) and he watched Sonic look the other fox over.

Sonic kneeled down next to Nine and sighed when he didn't see anything life threatening. He wondered how the fox had even gotten a price of the prism. And why was he looking for him? And what had caused him to be so angry at Tails? Or his Tails. Nine looked to have a few bruises and cuts but the most worrisome thing was when Tails had slammed him into the ground it clearly would've wounded him.

A hit like that and slamming into the ground at such speed could fracture a rib if not puncture organs internally. Sonic panicked at that thought. Nines pulse was still strong and beating fast but he was still worried.

Amy, Rouge, and Big had walked over to him after they finished comforting each other. Amy eyed Sonic with confusion and concern.

"What should we do with him?" Amy said softly, like she was asking herself instead of Sonic. Sonic was busy scooping the fox into his arms and standing up with the other curled into his chest.

"What if he hurts someone? Sonic? Is he someone you met when that paradox prism thing happened? Why is he here?" Amy asked as she took a step towards him. A million questions running through all of their heads. Sonic looked away with guilt clear on his face.

"Yes...I'll tell you all what happened after I make sure that they are both okay. But for now I need to get him to a hospital." Rouge placed a hand on Sonic's shoulder softly, careful to mind the fox laying his head on Sonic's other shoulder. She smiled softly at him.

"Okay Sonic. We'll meet you there. But then you have to explain to us who he is." Sonic nodded and forced a smile.

"Don't worry I will." Sonic felt her hand leave his shoulder and he pulled the fox closer to him and then sped off near the hospital where his brother was as well. Hopefully he could meet Shadow once he got in there and ask about his brother, but for now he needed for focus on making sure Nine was alright and not bleeding internally.

"I'm so taking away your weapon privileges Nine." Sonic chuckled to himself.

They all watched him run off and they all eyed each other concernedly. Amy fiddled with her hands anxiously.

"I've never seen Sonic so...scared." She said. She looked at Knuckles but he was busy eyeing the direction where Sonic had left. Rouge nodded.

"Well, blue did raise Tails for many years. But to see him so terrified like's concerning." Rouge said. She thought for a moment before speaking up again. And what she said got all of their attention.

"And Sonic let Shadow take Tails instead of him. Their bond is growing more then I thought." She said the last part softly but they all heard it. Amy and Knuckles stood in shock for a moment. Sonic and Shadow seemed to be growing closer since all of this happened. But to let Shadow take Tails without a doubt made them wonder. Was there something more going on between them..?

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