Part 11

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3:46 p.m.

I was starting to feel sick, I didn't eat anything yet, shit, I've only been smoking cigarettes, and I ran out. Bullfuck.

I got up and started to walk towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, which was a sad one, since it only had fruits and yogurt, I haven't been grocery shopping, why should I?

"Yogurt it is" I say as I grab a go-gurt.

I sat down in the kitchen table and started to watch my phone, and saw the news pop up that a serial killer is on the loose.

"Hey I know that guy!" I say "he's that psycho who likes me!"

Why am I talking to myself, weird.

3:55 p.m.


What other words can I use to describe bored, man this summer is ass, I wonder where billy is, I think he don't want me no more.

I stood up too quickly and everything became a blur, I was seeing everything lopsided.


I then saw the killer outside my patio door.

"Hey! You! You're a killer?" I ask

"You're fucking slow, you just realized?" Ghostface says palming his mask.

"Yeah" I say and fall on the ground since I tripped over the table leg.

"MY TOE!" I scream

"BAHAHHAHA" ghostface laughs

"RUDE!" I say sitting on the floor

"Here let help you" Ghostface starts walking towards me and picks me up

"Thanks shit head" I say "very nice of you"

"Damn you have a bruise, dumbass" He says chuckling.

"Funny, I don't care, I wanna watch a movie"

"You wanna watch trolls?" He asks

"HOW'D YOU KNOW??" I ask

"The time I asked what was your favorite movie, you said it was small singing shits called trolls" he says caressing my cheek.

"A nice thing you could do for me, is buy me a pack of cigarettes" I say hold invite hand, stopping him from caressing my cheek.

"I will get on that my princess" Ghostface walks out the door.

"Finally something nice he does" I say to myself

Ghostface (Billy loomis) x Fm reader Where stories live. Discover now