The Visitor

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Doctor's Pov:

"It can't can't be here!!" I practically shout. It's not possible. "Well I am Doctor. I'm here!" Yes she was. "Rose Tyler..." I hug her like it's the last time ever... because it probably will be.

What-how are you here???" I ask in a panic. So many questions are going through my brain at once. "Jack got to me." I look at her confused. "Don't ask me how, even I don't know. And I absorbed the time vortex one time, remember?" she lightly punches my arm saying that. "And then you kissed me which saved my life." Tears start streaming down my face as the memories come back.

"Oh Doctor, don't cry! Im okay. Mum's okay, even Mickey." I laugh lightly, grateful.

"So...Yaz? Is it?" I nod yes. "She's a lucky girl to be traveling with you." "Rose..." I say with a broken voice before she interrupted me. "Don't even think about it. What happened was not your fault. Look, I'm alive and breathing and talking." she says with a smile. It's like she knew what I was thinking.

"So you think Graham's right? I should tell Yaz how I feel?" Rose looks at me soft. "You know I watch every adventure you go on, every companion, every regeneration even; which by the way, this is the best one so far." she says winking and I blush a little.

"I see how protective you are of her. It's the same way you were with me." she says putting her hand on my cheek. "There's love in you again Doctor...don't hide it." I nod looking into her eyes. "I love you, Rose Tyler." she places a kiss on my cheek "I know you do."

"Take care of yourself Doctor. We shall meet again!" she says kissing my hand before stepping out of the TARDIS. I sit there thinking hard about what she said.

"Doc? You alright?" Graham's voice snapped me back into reality. "Yeah, I'm fine. How was Kinstarno?" I wipe the tears off my face as he tells me how much fun he had. "Where to next Doc?" I put on a thinking face but I already knew where to next. "Sheffield." I say with a smile.

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